Not even reard for water yet! The start to a long thread......

The Lt.

Well here it is...I have everything and now all that I have to do is get it put together. What I am going to be working with:
2 Hydrofarm 600 watt ballast
2 Hydrofarm 600 watt bulbs and fixtures
1 Hydrofarm 1000 watt ballast
1 unknown brand 1000 watt bulb and fixture
4 large trays that I plan on running 8 plants per tray
Full plumbing filter pump and drain setup.

Well here are the pictures of the set-up. I got it is was in HORRIBLE CONDITION. I have put a few dollars into it and I think that it will be up to par when I am ready to start. I thought that I would start by getting a few of the pictures up so that everyone can see the travesty that I am working with!


The Lt.

Here is a few more pictures. I am still looking for a way to throughly clean the system. I guess that it has been cleaned with bleach. I have been reading up and it is being said that it is not good to clean a set up with bleach because of the residue that is left behind.....


The Lt.

OK I put in a little time and I got quite a bit done! I finished up cutting the holes in the lids and got the reflective meterial installed on the 1st tray. I am going to try to finish that up tonight. The entire time that I am working on this I have the water flushing right in through and out of the system draining. I have to lower the reflective meterial on the right. I think that I am going to bring it in a little closer to the trays. I will keep up dating through out the night...
Let me know.


The Lt.

Well I am flushing a ton and to top it off I am doing it with water streight out of our hot water heater! I had my family over for Thanksgiving and we were taking bets on how hot the water is here at my house. Well we pulled the turkey thurmomator and ran the hottest water over it...163*F. The shit is hot yo!

The Lt.

As it says I put in a little more time down there this evening. I am trying to get this ready for a grow that I am thinking about starting here in the next couple weeks. Anyway here are a few more pictures... I have to get the last tub a lid. I am continually flushing the system hoping that all the bleach residue is gone.


The Lt.

Well I think that today I am going to try and get the last tray done and going to try to figure out a few of my power issues. I think that I am also going to be doing the final rinse's of the tubs piping and pump. I am still at a stump as how I am going to clean the bleach residue.


I am still at a stump as how I am going to clean the bleach residue.
You can use Hydrogen Peroxide to clean your system and remove any residue or build up you might have. Try and get the 35% Food Grade H2O2, they should have it at your local hydro store. I use a 10% mix of Peroxide and R.O. water for cleaning out my system.

I too am a legal MI caregiver. Good Luck with your grow, it looks like you are on the right track.


Well-Known Member
As it says I put in a little more time down there this evening. I am trying to get this ready for a grow that I am thinking about starting here in the next couple weeks. Anyway here are a few more pictures... I have to get the last tub a lid. I am continually flushing the system hoping that all the bleach residue is gone.
Wow... you get busy! :)

Cool setup.. Git er done!!! :peace: