seems to me like everyone talks about how weed should be legal when more harmfull shit like tobaco and alcohol is legal and socially accepted yet alkies piss and puke all over the streets and themselves and cause fights and chaos at the weekend yet its illegal for me to smoke something less harmfull than a fag that just makes me chill eat and sleep,(not to mention the many madicinal properties weed has), but all anyone ever does is talk there is allways e-petitions online to get parlament to discuss legalization in the uk in the house of commons yet some have as little as 20 signitures seems impossible only 20 people want to legalize weed in the uk so the only answer is people are to lazy to take 5 minutes to sign a petition,
take collarado and washington as an example it can be done if the people make it happen.
lets do it here in the uk!! get online and sign
take collarado and washington as an example it can be done if the people make it happen.
lets do it here in the uk!! get online and sign