Not enough being done to legalize cannabis in the uk!!

seems to me like everyone talks about how weed should be legal when more harmfull shit like tobaco and alcohol is legal and socially accepted yet alkies piss and puke all over the streets and themselves and cause fights and chaos at the weekend yet its illegal for me to smoke something less harmfull than a fag that just makes me chill eat and sleep,(not to mention the many madicinal properties weed has), but all anyone ever does is talk there is allways e-petitions online to get parlament to discuss legalization in the uk in the house of commons yet some have as little as 20 signitures seems impossible only 20 people want to legalize weed in the uk so the only answer is people are to lazy to take 5 minutes to sign a petition,
take collarado and washington as an example it can be done if the people make it happen.
lets do it here in the uk!! get online and sign:joint:
Here in the US, no state could've ever set up an online seed selling site. I've never understood how UK based sellers could legally sell marijuana seeds under the guise of "souvenirs" and get away with it. That never would work here in the US. Thanks to people like Seed Boutique , Doc Chronic, and probably the most popular Attitude Seeds, as well as many more seed sellers, US growers have access to growing good strains which they get by mail from the UK.

Maybe now that marijuana legalization is really starting to become a serious topic in the media within the US, it will spread all over the world with laws being erased. Look on the up side though, UK residents have been ahead of the US in some aspects by having seed businesses in which they can buy and order good strains to grow. It will still probably be a long time before we in the US will have seed sellers.

This legalization thats about to start spreading in the US, will increase the pressure in the UK for legalization there. I've always thought that the UK marijuana laws were more relaxed that the US. I still agree that it should be legalized outright all over the world.
of course it takes time but it plain and simple will not happen in the uk when nobody does anything about it at least americans have the common sense to get off there asses n do somethin

I like the comment but it is a fight even in California after 16 years.

Just keep reminding folks that it needs to change, You will find some fellow toker/growers do not want it legal and that can be shocking.
Still keep beating that drum! Untill everyone knows this song by heart.
