so recently i tried making edibles again this year i didnt make cookies i decided to make gummy bears im going to post what i did and the recipe i saw on the internet since i'll likely try it again since it went so well. i also need a place to keep this recipe for myself so this place seems as good as any.
so first off the recipe we'll be using involves coconut oil so we'll first talk about infusing coconut oil. In this recipe i used high quality trim from my recent harvest i don't want to waste good flower on something like this. i'm also using molds for mini gummy bears so they are quete potent. the ratio that i used is 100g of trim/per 500ml of coconut oil this seemed to work the best and thats the most i can fit in a pan. other things to note i didn't decarb any of the cannabis in the oven prior to this because i believe the temperature on the stove top while infusing the coconut oil is at a high enough temperature for the chemical reaction to convert THCA to THC.
first off melt all the coconut oil until it is a liquid i put the stove top at number 2.
next slowly add all your trim make sure to get it all submerged in the oil
i then cooked this on the stove top for a half hour occasionally stirring
afterwards i poured all the material into a bag with a micron screen to separate all the plant matter from the coconut oil. its not necessary to use a screen theres other ways to accomplish this i used to use cheesecloth it can be easily be found at the local grocery store in the canning section can often be found where you would buy mason jars. also note it would be wise to have a silicone glove you can wear to protect yourself from burning your hand as you will need to squeeze the oil from the bag or cheese cloth into another container.
now onto the gummies
you will need a scale to possibly weigh the gelatin depending on how you can purchase it where you live. you will require these ingredients
28g of unflavored gelatin (its cheapest to buy this at a bulk food store if you have one)
85g of flavored gelatin (standard size box of Jello) alternatively can buy in bulk and weigh 85g for the recipe.
1/4 cup of infused coconut oil
1/2 tsp Lecithin (i added this to the first recipe i saw online, i believe this acts almost like a binder i believe it helps bind all the ingredients together also found this at a bulk store but had to put it in a coffee grinder to grind it into a fine powder)
1/2 cup of water
first mix the water and infused coconut oil together then whisk the lecithin and all the gelatin in with the other ingredients make sure everything is mixed well. it helps to have a candy thermometer although it isn't absolutely necessary if you make enough batches you will eventually get a feel for the viscosity of the liquid in the pot. i liked to warm everything at number 3 on my stove top. if the temperature is too high you will get hard candy if its too low you will end up with jello.
i had alot of fun making these i did about 8 different flavors i ended up with a freezer bag full of mini gummy bears i eat 4 of these little guys and get baked most of the afternoon these were more fun than the cookies i used to make but much more labour intensive to make. here are some photos
oh i almost forgot heres a link to the molds on amazon so the ratio for the coconut oil will work properly