Not alot of buds(?)


Hey ime pretty new to this whole growing thing so I figured id post here. I got some seeds from a friend a couple months ago and pretty much just jumped into growing. I have read most of the beginners guide things and saw a lot of videos on growing so it worked pretty well for a bit.

I was just wondering if the plants dont usually bud until the flowing stage(and since i am in Florida that wont happen for a good while)


Whew thanks, I thought I had screwed up really bad somehow. also one of my plants has a bunch of holes in its leaves. As if little bits of the plant caught on fire. I read that it might have something to do with nitrogen(??). But since I grew all 3 of my plants the same that doesn't make sense to me. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Not real sure. Out side there are all kinds of things that would take whole leaves.:peace: