Not a good day for Egyptians


Well-Known Member
Pfffft, BS, africa can't think like that, if they did, you'd hear about it all the time ... they are better fitted for cotton, forefathers knew this ...
right...because as we all know, Africa is the ONLY vastly over-populated region of the world where the people outstrip their resources, cause catastrophic ecological degradation, and enjoy the perks of a devastated economical dependency?

I admit, self serving generosity is one of the great curses of Africa...there is no doubt..
However...In my opinion, African history must be looked at and seen in it's relation to world history...without distortions.
The brass tacks of it is this... what we call, "world history" these days is really the history of the 1st and 2nd rise of Europe.
If we are willing to admit the world did not wait in darkness for the Europeans to bring them light, then it is very easy to see Africa's rich and ancient history for what it is.
clearly this is yet to be the case...
it seems Kerma, Napata and Meroë...all rich and literate civilizations that lasted for over a thousand years before it was eclipsed by the rise of the Axumite kingdom and all of their contributions are wasted on you...

i mean if you never heard of ancient Egyptians or the wonders they produced in the mentioned fields (some of which we are still to this day trying to unravel) for a start...or notice where a shit load of sugar cane and chocolate come from, you're a lost cause...

It makes me sad.