Nosy Neighbors


Nosy neighbors and troubles with code enforcement. These guy are gardeners from here the Permaculture Forum (a thread about this very subject) that is for growing vegetables and such. They are being hassled for having a garden, not a weed garden but a garden for growing food.

I have seen many kinds of busy bodies. I have seen them sit for hours looking through there windows. looking to catch a sprinkler going off at the incorrect time of day or any other trivial thing they can complain about.

There are the crazies who are mentally off who routinely call the police, 911 code enforcement or any other government agency who they think will listen. Often their complaints are borderline crank calls or what sounds like a legitimate complaint but is actually just made up, but it forces a response which is what they get off on. It could be something like some kids walking down the street and one of them were smoking, 911 call - kids smoking crack on my street. You get the idea.

"Normally the people that rule the HOAs (home owners association) are busy-body tyrants." I have seen this on many occasions and these kind of people live to fuck with anyone they can, they often have too much time on there hands. There are books written about HOA nightmares, this is a long list of headaches. Of coarse the rules often only apply to you and not themselves

There are many kinds of busy bodies out there any comment on how to deal with them?


Well-Known Member
i start walking around nearly naked maybe a jock strap.

start waving at them and being beligerantly LOUD when i do speak to them.
ask them VERY LOUD and EMBARRESSING Questions.


I Heard your Son was Arrested again for his 4th DUI?

ect. they ll not look anywhere NEAR you again.


Well-Known Member
Defecate on your own lawn. Or

Melt a Hersey bar and put it on your hand, then walk outside with that hand in the back of your pants, when they are outside, making sure they are looking, you take that hand out and start licking your fingers... mmm mmm good.


Well-Known Member
hey, isnt that your uncle that was the catholic priest arrested for molesting little choir boys?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
We have a saying in New Mexico, "High fences make great neighbors." We have a 7 foot fence around our property that is a nice trellis for our honeysuckle and trumpet vine. The neighbors can get as nosy as they want.


Well-Known Member
how many fucking threads you going to start with this.............lppl are answering your other thread..........exact name as this one and same story.........double posting is not polite................stop it.


Well-Known Member
oh you are just pissed about that lil pony comment :D

dude just started out, just a mistake.


Well-Known Member
im not pissed about your little pony thing....I he just started out..........maybe he should sit back and watch for a bit like everyone else did when they started and learn how to get into the swing of things............Im pissed cause noby will answer what happens during a meltdown........not even wikipedia will come out and say YOU DIE or at least something..........has put me in bad mood all night..........not one fucking asnwer to question a bunch of run around crap.............and yea she says something about pony LOL..........