Nostradamus or however you spell it.


Well-Known Member
They talking about him and all his predictions about 9/11 and hitler and the revolutionary war.Id love to toke with this mother fucker.:peace:


Well-Known Member
He used a lot more than just coca leaves lol.
Hes an old prophet who was wasted for most of his life on various drugs and alcohol.
His predictions are open to interpretation though and there remains a lot of skepticism as to whether people just read stuff into his writings:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
damnit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! missed the drug part. now they talkin bout linkig a thing he said to iraq. thats som heavy shit. stupid tho. maybe id appreciate it high, or maybe i missed all the good parts........:peace:


Well-Known Member
nah natmoon i just watched a special on it the other day
yeah it was the mayans but it wasnt the world is gonna change it was the world was going to end
because the mayans did mathematics and equations which lead them to believe that worlds gonna end in 2012


Well-Known Member
lol. it just said on history the world i supposed to end on 12-21-2012 the mayans predicted it i know i am just copying you two above me but i love acting smart.


Well-Known Member
Would you have watched the shit if it wasn't glorified into a doomsayer program?
I don't type anything factual here unless i knows what i am talking about:blsmoke: