Flaming Pie
Well-Known Member
Yeah, better not to get caught and lose academic prospects. Wait till you get your own place?
Be careful...adds a lot more risk when you grow with a partner. You have to deal with all the attention and carelessness they might bring to the table as well. If they get caught up, it will be extra incentive to roll on you so that they get less charges / time.That's probably the best decision, but doesn't address the issue of what I'll do when I run out of my current stash. Growing is so much more cost efficient than buying. An 8th is 65-70 bucks here. I hear you can make budder out of vaped hash and it will be some pretty potent stuff, but it's only delaying the inevitable.
One of my friends is a dealer. Maybe I'll look into growing at his place, have him give me some start up money and do a larger grow for 50/50 or w/e. I stop by and do my gardening stuff and that's it. He lives there and his name is on the lease in case anything happens.
Yea, def post in the law section, might be surprised what you find out. I finally worked up the courage to look and now I'm disheartened about growingI should probably talk to the people in the law part of RIU, but what could he say about me? He's a fairly large dealer, in that he supplies 3/4 of the weed people smoke of campus. Unless I was somehow caught in the act of tending to the plants, but even then I'm not sure what they could charge me with.
He seems like a cool guy as far as dealers go, but I have thought a lot about what if he rolls on me or decides it's 0/100. I'm kinda fucked in those cases.
On the other hand, if this worked out I've got a secure place to grow to my hearts content and without investing a shit ton of money. When we talked about me going gorilla he said pretty much told me anything I needed to buy he'd buy it. I'm sorta like the black guy on weeds...except my drug dealer isn't a white suburban mom, it's a big black guy.
We'll see, I'm not exactly thrilled about my options.
Yea I know. Odd thing I didn't dry for that long, only 4 days. Didn't have temps that high either. I try to open the jar for a 1-2 hours every day. Their smell has changed for sure from when it was harvested. Figure since I'll be vaping it won't really matter either way. Ambient temps have been 74-75F, RH outside the jars is 59-60%57% is pretty low!
I'll probably be snow boarding more than growing lol. Really depends where you live anyway. During the spring/summer it gets pretty damn hot where my friend lives. 100F+, she lives in the desert though. I'll probably move after I finish getting my BA, switching to an out of state college mid degree just seems like a pain in the ass.Colorado. Just think... low ambient temperatures...
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!!!Omg...High is awesome...I will never smoke again...Barely used any weed I normally would to get this high. Maybe 3 bowls worth? Used like half a bowl. Hit quick too. Very overpowering, it's like my first time smoking. I see colors. Smoked the sample btw. Saving the good stuff for me and a few friends tonight
As of right now, for the sample, taste could use some work, taste kind of like stale air. 8.5/10. You gotta buy one Lady.