Northern Lights spots

My 2 weeks old NL are showing some spots on the oldest leaves, but they are spreading upwards to the 2 higher leaf set.

250 W HPS (250 cfl coming this week)
Temperature : 25-27 degrees celsius
Moisture between 33-50% (goes down when im sleeping)
Soil with vermiculite
water every 2-3 days with only water so far
24 hours light
They are inside a closet with good ventilation. Fan out, in and inside the closet

Have any ideas? :leaf:
It looks like the area becomes dark before these "wounds" appear. And it looks like it spreading up the plant.

Maby i wil try to add some nutes, and even put it in a bigger pot.


Well-Known Member
The roots might have tapped into a 'hot' spot in the soil..(a nutrient rich patch) It should outgrow it. It happens once and a while, best way to avoid it is to start them in smaller containers...little 2"x2" starter pots.
The roots might have tapped into a 'hot' spot in the soil..(a nutrient rich patch) It should outgrow it. It happens once and a while, best way to avoid it is to start them in smaller containers...little 2"x2" starter pots.
Ok i will give it some days to see what happens. Best not to panic :) Thanks for the advice!


Well-Known Member
It also sorta looks like it could be pest damage. Hard to tell by the pics, but if you aren't sure, it's be a good idea to look around and see if you see any critters