Northern Lights seedling with brown spots on leaves


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,
My 7 day old Northern Lights seedling has grown several brown spots over its leaves. Im using a 250watt CFL around 10 inches abive the seedling. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Are you Phing your water?
What soil are you using?
How often and how much do you water it?
No ferts right?


Well-Known Member
Hey Coughee,
not ph ing my water. Just normal cheap potting soil from a local nursery. Watering every other day about 3/4 of a coffe mug of water and yes no ferts. Thanks for the help


Active Member
hmm regular tap water? Do you distil it overnight?

Honestly the only time I see phing water useful is seedling. The diffusion of water is about the only nutrients a little guy like that can get since the roots arnt too advanced at this stage. Proper amount of ions in the water will allow proper nutrient uptake :bigjoint: Id say Ph till you repot then add plenty of dolomite lime to your soil. I add a cup of every cubic foot or a tablespoon for every gallon. Then do not worry about phing just let the grow times roll. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hey Coughee, since your last message I have transplanted into smaller pots with the original soil mixed with Dolomite lime. Still haven't noticed any new growth, I transplanted on Sat now it's Wednesday. My light schedule has been fairly irratic with different hrs of light most days but have been making sure its more than 18. Do you think this could have stunted growth?


Active Member
Hey Danny sorry I must have not been too clear.. You wanted to ph your water till growth has started again. Then transplant to a BIGGER pot. Reason why you PH your water is so proper elements in the water can transport or "move" into the plant. You can get PH up and down on amazon really cheap.... but you can score some at an aquarium supply store for an emergency as this.

When you repot into your vegetation pot just make sure there is plenty of dolomite.

Sorry for the vague and not very well written response.


Well-Known Member
Hey Coughee, thank you for the detailed explanation, sadly the seedlings have come to their end all shriveled and brown! I have just bought a ph up down kit of eBay, will start the cycle again next week and let you know how it goes, once again thanks for your help bud.


Well-Known Member
Hi Coughee, I decided to try and save the seedlings one last time, i followed your advice and got a PH up down kit and have been giving the remaining seedlings PH 6.5 water. Yellow colour. I have them on 18/6. Do you think they will pull through? Pics attached.
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Well-Known Member
Don't want to be the harbinger of bad news, but your seedlings are probably toast. I had several look like yours when I first started growing, they lived but never grew much beyond seedling height, never added any new growth. I let them live for about 30 days and they never improved, so it was a waste of time.

You can continue on, but I'm betting your experience will be much like mine. Good luck in any case.