Northern lights like a little heat!


Well-Known Member
I like the thought that they are warm blooded seeds at heart and need a little warmth to get their start. I read that was true of indicas/ It reminds them of their home, lol


Well-Known Member
What a pain in the arse they are and i was lead to belive they where quite easy to grow! lol not so lucky, ha

Nah they arent that bad once you get the hang of it but they are very very sensative to heat just one degree can make the difference between a healthy plant and a wilted poorly one!
hows your luck cloning your NL? ive grown like 8 or 9 harvests with different shit and never had this hard of a time cloning. ive tried everything, everybodys different method, fuckin everything! ive probably tried like 12 cuttings maybe more and only had 2 take root.


Active Member
:roll::sleep: sorry e-harmony but im gonna go aheahd and call bullshit untill u can provide pics tht have an accurate date unlees ur speaking of 8 yr old plants.
Any1 else notice the date his pics were took?:roll:


Well-Known Member
wow, thats all i can say, lol. I aint fixing my camera but maybe i'll get a newspaper, or maybe i'll fix my camera. Jesus, they just seeds not an entire 25 pound with a flashlight harvest. hehe they real, sadly, just babies still. However tonight i will have a photo unless you are a cop. I knew it. PIG!!!!!!!!!!!

Why fake it? If i was so attention starved i needed this as a life then i think we all better just play along. Somethings about to snap. Rofl!!!

(read a few post down, hahahaha)


Well-Known Member
That heat thing scares me too. I have the worst probs with heat. Thank god this is a winter grow. I might just run a seprate pipe from a window airconditner to the tent. Put the theronsats in the tent too, lol/


Well-Known Member
Refering to bubba kushy:)

Lol, I an idiot, reps! Ypu were joking. Tis internet thing has me. Should i be a ht head or should i calmly figure you out to be an adult and no the sterotype of a 15 year old punk i am supposed deal with semi rationally with my adult stoner smoke coming out my ears, "that little punk!" The typing part is the worst half way through each thought i lose track of what i am doing and mpstly consider it the responsible thing to do is to keep typing and usually stcik some imaginary offesne up my ass as the responsible thing to do. In real life I am a clown. I take nothing seriouly whcih is what led me to have to smoke medical marijauna!


Well-Known Member
A mazar afghan cracked. My camera is at the shop having the real date and time adjusted. Finally, for me this seed is a bitch. Also flor nuts i began adding to 2 seeds for fun. In their rec dosage. See what happens. I expect as fine as the non nut with the week dos and everything. This thread is fun i should start a journal. New england hydroponic ships so fast it is wicked.


Well-Known Member
My buddy Pedro had some problems germ'n and he then found out he was drying them out too much and had the heat way too high. He reduced the heat to between 75 and 85 and soaked them good, placed in ziplock then in a dark box and voila....2 out of 3 have cracked and sent out good tap roots. The last three all got cooked under his computer (most likely about 120 :D)

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
hows your luck cloning your NL? ive grown like 8 or 9 harvests with different shit and never had this hard of a time cloning. ive tried everything, everybodys different method, fuckin everything! ive probably tried like 12 cuttings maybe more and only had 2 take root.
mate they are fuckin murder im just goin to grow a male and a female and "mate" them n use seeds from now on its so much simpler...

sorry e-harmony but im gonna go aheahd and call bullshit untill u can provide pics tht have an accurate date unlees ur speaking of 8 yr old plants.
Any1 else notice the date his pics were took?

my camera aint got the tright date so u callin me a liar too?

That heat thing scares me too. I have the worst probs with heat. Thank god this is a winter grow. I might just run a seprate pipe from a window airconditner to the tent. Put the theronsats in the tent too, lol

ive never come cross a plant so heat sensative i killed silvia from my sig during flowering cuz of heat !!!

My buddy Pedro had some problems germ'n and he then found out he was drying them out too much and had the heat way too high. He reduced the heat to between 75 and 85 and soaked them good, placed in ziplock then in a dark box and voila....2 out of 3 have cracked and sent out good tap roots. The last three all got cooked under his computer (most likely about 120 )

see this is something i cant understand! all you gotta do is get the seeds and a few papertowels soak the towels through ut them on a plate put a touch of sitting water on the plate just a touch... and then put the seeds inside the towel fold them up nice and well drop a few more drips of water on the top just to make sure they are good and wet(the important bit) and leave em 2 days on the window sill with the windows shut nothing else! i assure you they will sprout if you leave them there!


Well-Known Member
just to smile YO! i got 3 northern lights and 1 mazar and 1 bag seed all sprouts a week or so green going under a 400 watt mh conversion bulb. I looked into my "flower" tent last night and saw my bagseed plants had gone from healthy to 1 female still healthy, 1 Hermie, and 2 wastes of space that got cooked with hi heat waiting for fan to get here. Lol, i said fuck this. Tore out my hermie, changed the reservoir to flora nova seed str, changed the bulb form hps to mh and put in 5 rw cubes. Started germing another 5. In 4 months i will have at least I hope outa 11 5 females done. Mostly norhtern lights. Few mazars and maybe 1 bagseed. Prob clone like a villian along the way. First time using the mhbulb so i hoping for ahit.