Well-Known Member
What's the PH on with a RO system? I know ppm is close to 0.
What's the different with UV purification and RO?
I'm asking cuz I'm looking to buy a system, one last question , what PPM miter u use?
pH in RO water is neutral. It doesn't really have a pH until you add something to it. If it's not 0ppm it may have a slight pH up or down depending on what minerals are getting through the RO membrane.
UV will sterilize water but does nothing to alter the ppm. Any ppm pen will do but get some calibration solution when you buy some to make sure it's correct. Same with pH pens tho you should also get some some storage solution for it to sit in between uses. Do not leave a pH pen soaking in RO or distilled water as that will ruin the probe.