Northern lights cfl grow round 4!


Well-Known Member
ill read up on that later on thanks very much
I would more than reccomend nirvana if your looking for an awesome NL which will give you next to no problems, have a look on thier website all strains come with hundreds if not thousands of detailed grower reviews and thier NL is a 5 start product.

Let me know how ya get on and loving your bushes mate they look lushious and very very healthy



Well-Known Member looked like ALL of Nirvana's products are getting 5 stars on their website- I have checked it out before. I discussed strains with ResearchKitty (a mod here at rollitup) and she recommended 2 Nirvana strains, one being Bubblelicious. She rated this her best so I thought I'd give it a go with 15 feminized plants, all doing well and very healthy. I was only going to grow out 12 of the 15, but I didn't have the heart to kill any of them. kitty also said to keep an eye out for the "pink hair" pheno, which only shows up in 1 of about 100 plants. I figured the more I had, the better the chance of finding that pheno.....he lets hers go to day 56 in flowering, but I'm figuring 9 weeks per others documented grows. We'll see..... but she sure seems to love this strain.

And lastly, I am excited about following your grow hoping that if it turns out well......I'll consider using some Mr. Nice "Ortega" pollen to create seeds with the best plant of a large Nirvana N.L. grow I'll do in April.......


Well-Known Member
oh so your growing nirvanas bubbleicious?
im quite excited to see your finished product as im tempted to get some seeds for after this grow! Also nirvanas aftercare service is paramount, any problems at all they just send new seeds its amazing.

Iv got some updated pics for everyone below!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys!

Heres another update on the Northern Lights (and the tomato plants lol!)
Both NLs are coming on amazingly! and starting to show thier indica traits, being very close to the light i plan on keeping them reasonably short and they are already showing tight leaf structure - which in turn will make for plentiful, rock hard buds!

Pics for all to see and as allways feedback is more than welcome




Well-Known Member
Nice :) are you going to be topping them?
hey m8 thanks!i was planning on topping one, lollipopping the other but im planning on bashing thru these two as quick as coz i got a flat inspection in 3 months time so im just goin to top them both in the next few days, NL is easy to top and makes very speedy recovery so keep posted!

hope ya good man


Well-Known Member
Hey Xman, I didn't feel like starting a whole new grow report so when I take a few pic's on my Bubblelicious, I'll place them in your thread with your permission.

16 days in flowering today.... healthy and easy to grow. Medium fertilizer regiment, all organic with loads of amendments. All pic's taken thru color-correcting sun glasses.


Well-Known Member
Hey Xman, I didn't feel like starting a whole new grow report so when I take a few pic's on my Bubblelicious, I'll place them in your thread with your permission.

16 days in flowering today.... healthy and easy to grow. Medium fertilizer regiment, all organic with loads of amendments. All pic's taken thru color-correcting sun glasses.
Yea i know the feelin bro, i get all excited about it to begin with then i just want them to finish to i can smoke and i forget to take pics and stuff, kinda terrible attitude if i think about it but i promised myself this one will have my upmost attention and thats no problem at all i encourage everyone to get involved in this thread!. your tops are starting to come nicely youl have nice big heavy colas i can tell, whats your lighting?


Well-Known Member
Each group is under a single 600 watt HP light........ I only planned to put 6 plants under each light but I didn't have the heart to chop any of them since they were so healthy.


Well-Known Member
And then of course, is my signature strain Green Poison by Sweet Seeds. One pic with color correction glasses and the other without. 24 plants under 2200 watts of HP. Oh, and 1 TopDawg "Purple StarDawg" reveg off to the side...........


Well-Known Member
Hello hello hello! how are you guys!
Iv been busy busy today! last night a friend of mine recieved some terrible news - the flat he rents has been sold and his landlord is looking to inspect and survey property next week, so we spent last night scrambling to remove any signs of growing etc and i have taken his little girl home with me to care and nourish her while the flat gets blitzed, she will be with us for probably a good week or two while the dust settles.

Onto happier things, i transplanted my two today into bigger pots and have dawned the BIG BOY - i.e my 250 w Red spec CFL and have placed the smaller of the two under that and the other one underneath the 125w red spec CFL, i will be changed to 12/12 after i let them recover (probably a few days to a week) and to give them time to get a couple of extra nodes in. I dont know if ill top them or not yet.

I have also added a 125w blue spec in the middle over my friends seedling and the tomato plant for extra light (yea i ended up taking all his grow equipment back home aswell so i have lots of lights and plugs haha)

The Grow room looks cluttered as hell but it does the job perfectly! and i have upgraded the ventilation to two fans (a big one and a small one)

Hope you like! keep subbing!



Well-Known Member
I think you need to horizontally mount those lights......right now, the majority of your light isn't hitting the plants.


Well-Known Member
I think you need to horizontally mount those lights......right now, the majority of your light isn't hitting the plants.
the camera doesnt do it justice, the lights were just switched on so its a bit dim but trust me its incredibly bright in there and affordability of reflectors is an issue and lack of mounting points, i.e this thread showing the cheap mans grow lol, but as i said this is my normal set up and get incredible results every time



Well-Known Member
Just to give you all an idea the power of the CFLs

I took a pic 1 min after turn on and another 10 mins after turn on to allow them to properly charge up. Plants looked happier allready!18022012265.jpg18022012264.jpg


Well-Known Member
The one closest is a 250W Red, in the middle hanging down is a 150W Blue and the one in the make shift reflector is a 125W Red totalling 525 CFL watts which is about 2000w equiv, getting warm in there though!


Hey greenpeace - i disagree, iv allways had excelllent yield with NL considering the lighting i use, iv grown white widow, durban poison and ice before and never had yeilds as good as NL given its yielding indica and quality buzz sativa characteristics, id say NL is a great allrounder. But i appreciate your thoughts!

Wrong NL is 100% indica.

This grow is very interesting though. Thx for posting it. I'm doing something about 95% identical right now. Just using a 200w instead.