Northern Lights Cabinet Grow..First Time


Active Member
Sorry been MIA arch, seein ur stuff now, wow thats impressive! those colas are nice and very nice job, i know i say it all the time but each progressive picture update is amazing. Can't wait to see a bunch of colas hanging upside down like diamond covered bats!


Well-Known Member
yeah she's putting on some girth, good thing she didn't foxtail on you.

Yeah I am glad that they stayed within normal standards. Ffrom what I have read and seen of foxtail buds they still smoke the Its mainly a genetics thing among sativas if I am not mistaken. Heck at this point the buds could be shaped like upside down crosses and I would still smoke them demon weed.


Well-Known Member
Arch, I love your plant man! If my ladies end up looking half that good I'll be stoked. Wow just one week huh? Can't wait buddy!
Homer there isnt a reason in the world that they This may just be beginners luck my friend. Heck I am using MG potting the shelf Home Depot nutes and CFL's. Not everyone but some believe that I had three strikes against me from the start. I think next time I will try more expensive stuff to see what the difference is. Heck I may need to get a bigger

hey ARCH,

what is your secret? teach me the ways....

seriously bro how did you get her looking so fat and so small looking like all top colas
Dirty there is no secret. Everything that I have done is contained withing the confines of this forum. I did do one thing from the start and it was mostly for my sake..that was keep it simple. I have a tendency to over analyze and fel the need to constantly tweek things. I have learned that the plant will tell you what it needs of you pay attention and learn what to look for. And "Make It Rain"
Just do the best you can..and get better each time..after that I think its all gravy man.

looking nice and frosty, she's going through nitrogen like it's going out of style.
shes looking gorgeous Arch! Looks sooo tasty haha!!! can't wait to see your yield man
I cant either..I am already a happy fella. Whatever comes of this grow, I have grown with it thats for sure.

Looking good arch! I just got my seeds in and I am germing one now. Your pics make me excited to start my grow.
Well should be excited about your grow! Its yours and that in and of itself is exciting. I am glad that what I have accomplished has spurred you on. I have done what many others have done for me..that makes me happy and is cool as I cant wait to see you in action!

Sorry been MIA arch, seein ur stuff now, wow thats impressive! those colas are nice and very nice job, i know i say it all the time but each progressive picture update is amazing. Can't wait to see a bunch of colas hanging upside down like diamond covered bats!
hmk its damn fine seeing you back. Your words mean a lot to me. I out my best foor forward...didnt always step correctly but I am near the end. Thanks for the kudos. And brother I cant wait till they are hanging either. I did learn that since I vape...drying and curing isnt a long process. Curing is mainly to smooth out the tatse of the bud. Well thats for those that actually burn the weed. Vaporizing isnt burning anything. It is simply releasing the cannibanoids with heat into a vapor. All I need to do is properly dry it. I will cure some for weeks and smoke it regularly to see how smooth it is...but for the most part. I get to smoke right away..

Sorry if I rambled on..I have eaten sushi..drank some sake' and had a bit to smoke. so I am feeling vwery FINE at the moment.




Well-Known Member
Arch, your baby is looking absolutely gorgeous. I wish I had HALF as much success as you've had on my first grow. I'm on my third now and still battling keeping the thing healthy. Kudos to you sir. How much do you think you will pull, dry?


Well-Known Member
Hey Arch, Babygirl colas are getting FAT! Keep the rain coming, she looks great:)
Yes CHIEF they are and the RAIN keeps falling. I may only have one more watering left before I harvest. Been checking trichs each day and amd starting to see more amber. Day to day now.

Arch, your baby is looking absolutely gorgeous. I wish I had HALF as much success as you've had on my first grow. I'm on my third now and still battling keeping the thing healthy. Kudos to you sir. How much do you think you will pull, dry?
Hey Tokeroo! Thanks bro, I am Who knows how my second one will may be a bust. Ill keep trying though. As for yield, I have been leaving the estimations to the more experienced growers if they so chose to give one. I know I will be happy with what she has shown me whatever ti comes in at.



Well-Known Member
I cant either..I am already a happy fella. Whatever comes of this grow, I have grown with it thats for sure.

Yeah man definitely, i didn't think I'd learn much once i started my first grow so i read and read for ages trying to figure out things before hand...Wouldn't believe how much I've learned though! I think mostly it's because i started a Grow Journal and a bunch of awesome people helped me :D Some people are dicks, others are really nice and helpful. Example, i posted a thread in the plant problems section a while ago and someone was like "wow i'd toss that little shit in the ocean for the fish, not even worth it its so small" or something like that, and i thought to myself..It's my first grow, it's lived, i will get bud off of it, maybe not much....and i know what i did wrong to make it so tiny lol. Also, i have learned so much from it it's unbelievable. But hey! You're girl doesn't look anywhere near small hahaha getting so close man!


Well-Known Member
The bottom line millyy is that you are doing your own thing. Its your claim it, work it for whats its worth, learn from it and move on to the next one. In any situation if you are trying something failure is an integral part of learning. I dont know anyone that woke up one day and found out they knew everything there was to know about any one thing. Its about trial and error...mistakes help us grow. If they dont then we need to move on to something keep the faith brother! We are all individuals and have different paces...find yours and be happy! s for the haters...well the world has its share of them..i guess its a balance thing. But one thing I do know is that unless what someone is saying to you effects your life or lifestyle directly..its just words and that adds up to a whole hill of jack shit in the grand scheme of things.


Active Member
hmk its damn fine seeing you back. Your words mean a lot to me. I out my best foor forward...didnt always step correctly but I am near the end. Thanks for the kudos. And brother I cant wait till they are hanging either. I did learn that since I vape...drying and curing isnt a long process. Curing is mainly to smooth out the tatse of the bud. Well thats for those that actually burn the weed. Vaporizing isnt burning anything. It is simply releasing the cannibanoids with heat into a vapor. All I need to do is properly dry it. I will cure some for weeks and smoke it regularly to see how smooth it is...but for the most part. I get to smoke right away..

Sorry if I rambled on..I have eaten sushi..drank some sake' and had a bit to smoke. so I am feeling vwery FINE at the moment.



Haha yea sake is good and so is sushi! unagi is so good! Man i wish i had a vape, i want to get a volcano but dang 400$ is kind of expensive but its sooo worth it to pass that vape bag around to your homies and get high. You got the right steps in your path, ur doin good man, keep it up!


Active Member
so when you say make it rain that is a technique that you use while growing? i heard of this but im not sure if im doing it water your plant until there is plenty of run off then when she needs watering you give her nutes?

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Yeah buddy! That last dose of nutes was a full and a pinch one. I was pretty sure that I couldnt burn her because obviously she is eating like its her last
For these next two waterings all she gets is R.O. water and molasses. Then she is going into the dark for 24-36 hours right before I harvest the main buds. I want her as sticky as possible. I wish I could do decent pictures using my loupe but I am obviously handicapped that way. She is COVERED in trichs. Arch
sounds like a good plan, i cant wait to see the end product!!


Well-Known Member
The bottom line millyy is that you are doing your own thing. Its your claim it, work it for whats its worth, learn from it and move on to the next one. In any situation if you are trying something failure is an integral part of learning. I dont know anyone that woke up one day and found out they knew everything there was to know about any one thing. Its about trial and error...mistakes help us grow. If they dont then we need to move on to something keep the faith brother! We are all individuals and have different paces...find yours and be happy! s for the haters...well the world has its share of them..i guess its a balance thing. But one thing I do know is that unless what someone is saying to you effects your life or lifestyle directly..its just words and that adds up to a whole hill of jack shit in the grand scheme of things.
Right on Arch, ya hit it on the head haha! There will always be someone that hates..always gotta remember that hehe


Well-Known Member
hmk its damn fine seeing you back. Your words mean a lot to me. I out my best foor forward...didnt always step correctly but I am near the end. Thanks for the kudos. And brother I cant wait till they are hanging either. I did learn that since I vape...drying and curing isnt a long process. Curing is mainly to smooth out the tatse of the bud. Well thats for those that actually burn the weed. Vaporizing isnt burning anything. It is simply releasing the cannibanoids with heat into a vapor. All I need to do is properly dry it. I will cure some for weeks and smoke it regularly to see how smooth it is...but for the most part. I get to smoke right away..

Sorry if I rambled on..I have eaten sushi..drank some sake' and had a bit to smoke. so I am feeling vwery FINE at the moment.


Haha yea sake is good and so is sushi! unagi is so good! Man i wish i had a vape, i want to get a volcano but dang 400$ is kind of expensive but its sooo worth it to pass that vape bag around to your homies and get high. You got the right steps in your path, ur doin good man, keep it up![/QUOTE]

I picked up my vape on ebay for $140. Its the V-Tower vaporizor. Its sells normally for around $250 plus shipping. Mine shipped free. Thats the way to buy them.

so when you say make it rain that is a technique that you use while growing? i heard of this but im not sure if im doing it water your plant until there is plenty of run off then when she needs watering you give her nutes?
Hey dirty here is the link that you need to read bro. Has all you need to know.

sounds like a good plan, i cant wait to see the end product!!
You and me both CD!

Right on Arch, ya hit it on the head haha! There will always be someone that hates..always gotta remember that hehe
Its cool..we can be bigger than



Active Member
ok yea im sure i have read that i will read it again thanks brotha if its helping you turn out buds like that im sold on the technque


Active Member
nice man, i think ill just have my sugar mama buy it for me lol. I kind of am not too big of a fan of vapes, i do like them, but here is my reason behind that. I dont like trying to dial in the correct temperature to get the heat effect to boil the thc and not burn the weed. Also the whip, i always fear that glass mouthpiece will break often cuz it will be passed around alot. Plus, its more of a preheat and use it for a while type thing, i got the lil 8 inch bong next to my desk if i wanna take a snapper here or there. Some vapes have different heating elements to conduct the heat. most use Tungsten(highest melting point of any metal), Some use other materials with shorter life span, I dunno, thats my little rant on vapes, kewl toy to have if u have a party and will be smokin for a couple hours, but as personal use, its a waste for a consumer like me. But hey, to each his own! enjoy that vape! vape material is still smokeable and will get u high!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hey arch, not to get off subject here but this song is wacked!! i'll see what i can do with it though, has some of the right elements, man in a box, dog, wasted, but dam!!

I'm the man in the box
Buried in my shit
Won't you come and save me, save me

Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut?
Jesus Christ, deny your maker
He who tries, will be wasted
Feed my eyes now you've sewn them shut

I'm the dog who gets beat
Shove my nose in shit
Won't you come and save me, save me

Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut?
Jesus Christ, deny your maker
He who tries, will be wasted
Feed my eyes now you've sewn them shut

Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut?
Jesus Christ, deny your maker
He who tries, will be wasted
Feed my eyes now you've sewn them shut

but in the mean time, heres a little diddy i did about coke, LoL.

Sexy White Bitches
man i wanna go to sleep so bad
and all i can do is sit here in this fucking chair
i just sit here gazen at the emptyness
in a blank expressionless dizzy ass stare
been up for three days and nights
fucking around with the sexy white bitches
but now they aint nothing but nasty ass witches
i wanna lay down and take a fucking break
and pray I in the morning that i'm still alive to wake
i keep saying that i'm done with the sexy white bitches
but them fucking ho's just keep getting in my britches
i say one day i'll stop and i pray that it's soon
before i wind up dead all laid up in my eternal tomb
i know it's bound to happen sooner or later here
there's no turning back once you tatse that white fear
i should stick to 4:20 where there are no regrets
but that fucking white shit i just can't forget
once i start rolling with them sexy white bitches
you know i'll start spening all my riches


Well-Known Member
or them sexy black bitches
i might can ask them for some snitches
this is all fiction so smoke some herb and go on a run
this song is pretty tight concard dawn is havin some fun
archs grow looks amazing,
what can i say, im dazin'
lol'd at that line milly can't rap so ill end it here,concord Dawn have it back :D

but in all honesty Arch when you replied to what i said, when you said "Its cool..we can be bigger than" i read it like when u posted it but i didnt understand it until now. LOLOL i gave up trying to read it because when you posted it i was kind of high im not sure why i couldnt understand it hahaha

That is great


Well-Known Member
hey arch, not to get off subject here but this song is wacked!! i'll see what i can do with it though, has some of the right elements, man in a box, dog, wasted, but dam!!

I'm the man in the box
Buried in my shit
Won't you come and save me, save me

Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut?
Jesus Christ, deny your maker
He who tries, will be wasted
Feed my eyes now you've sewn them shut

I'm the dog who gets beat
Shove my nose in shit
Won't you come and save me, save me

Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut?
Jesus Christ, deny your maker
He who tries, will be wasted
Feed my eyes now you've sewn them shut

Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut?
Jesus Christ, deny your maker
He who tries, will be wasted
Feed my eyes now you've sewn them shut

but in the mean time, heres a little diddy i did about coke, LoL.

Sexy White Bitches
man i wanna go to sleep so bad
and all i can do is sit here in this fucking chair
i just sit here gazen at the emptyness
in a blank expressionless dizzy ass stare
been up for three days and nights
fucking around with the sexy white bitches
but now they aint nothing but nasty ass witches
i wanna lay down and take a fucking break
and pray I in the morning that i'm still alive to wake
i keep saying that i'm done with the sexy white bitches
but them fucking ho's just keep getting in my britches
i say one day i'll stop and i pray that it's soon
before i wind up dead all laid up in my eternal tomb
i know it's bound to happen sooner or later here
there's no turning back once you tatse that white fear
i should stick to 4:20 where there are no regrets
but that fucking white shit i just can't forget
once i start rolling with them sexy white bitches
you know i'll start spening all my riches
Nice CD...I had a feeling that you would do something amazing with the lyrics. You could me a lyrics writer. Thanks for sharing bro!

or them sexy black bitches
i might can ask them for some snitches
this is all fiction so smoke some herb and go on a run
this song is pretty tight concard dawn is havin some fun
archs grow looks amazing,
what can i say, im dazin'
lol'd at that line milly can't rap so ill end it here,concord Dawn have it back :D

but in all honesty Arch when you replied to what i said, when you said "Its cool..we can be bigger than" i read it like when u posted it but i didnt understand it until now. LOLOL i gave up trying to read it because when you posted it i was kind of high im not sure why i couldnt understand it hahaha

That is great
Right on rapper wanna I have a hard time understanding some shit when I am blazed too..I understand. Glad you got it bro.



Well-Known Member
New pictures...only 4 more days and she will be 8 weeks. Ill continue to check her trichs daily and when she is ready, I will pop her into a darkness phase of 24-36 hours. Then she gets the axe. I will water her tomorrow probably for the last time with some molasses and that will be that. Enjoy!


sicks string samurai

Well-Known Member
Oh man, every picture is amazing Arch! 4 More days huh? Looks very good my friend!

My plants have 2 more weeks to go to hit the 8 week mark. And i'm not satisfied with the growth in there now.. like i have a feeling i'm gonna be flowering past 8 weeks. The colas just don't look as fat as they should be right now in their stage.