Northern Lights Autoflower from Nirvana

Sn0w White

Well here's what I got, a modified refrigerator with 3 23w cfls, 4 13w cfls, and 1 15w cfl. I've got one seedling going; wish me luck on its growth. Feedback is much appreciated, as I am a complete newbie at any kind of gardening lol.IMG_0827.jpgIMG_0833.jpgIMG_0854.jpgIMG_0828.jpgIMG_0826.jpgIMG_0830.jpgIMG_0829.jpgIMG_0832.jpgIMG_0831.jpg


Go to youtube. type in ready set grow, it'll give you alot of info. I just started myself, and it helped alot.

Sn0w White

These are autoflowers though. Everything I've read says they don't really grow past 2 feet. Has anyone smoke nl af? I've not been able to find any reviews.

Sn0w White

Well here I am a week into my grow, and it's coming along nicely. The first pic is from 2 days ago, and the second is from today.

Sn0w White

Thanks man. I just hope things keep going as smoothly. I'm also growing habenero peppers right next to them. Ironically, those aren't doing as well lol. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I just hope things keep going as smoothly. I'm also growing habenero peppers right next to them. Ironically, those aren't doing as well lol. Oh well.
whats up with them mate i'm thinking of trying to grow some jalapenos very soon never tried to grow peppers but its worth ago

Sn0w White

To be honest, I'm not sure. I started growing them in an aerogarden before transplanting them to my grow box. I think that they just got stunted because of the move. The larger leaves started wilting a bit but new ones started coming in greener than ever, so who knows. Here's a pic. IMG_0867.jpg


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I'm not sure. I started growing them in an aerogarden before transplanting them to my grow box. I think that they just got stunted because of the move. The larger leaves started wilting a bit but new ones started coming in greener than ever, so who knows. Here's a pic. View attachment 1761728
give it a few days mite just be abit of transplant shock:bigjoint:

Sn0w White

Yea, that's what I'm thinking as well. Quick question; Does anyone know how pungent northern lights or northern lights auto are? Not even my room mate knows about this and I'd like to know how thorough I need to be with my carbon filtration.


Well-Known Member
Hey you can check out my grow journal if you want, im growing these NL autos from nirvana, im about 30 days into flower. Mine are not that smelly from a distance, but you can smell bud growing, and when you up close to them yeah they have a sweet skunky smell, but with a carbon filter you would be fine.
I'll tell you what, these babies HATE transplanting, the one of mine thats smaller got transplanted twice, and you can tell it made a difference

Sn0w White

Thanks. I'll definitely check your journal to see what I have to look forward to lol. Glad someone else is growing these. I haven't been able to find much info on this strain. I just got them because they are autos expansion of space is simply not an option.


Well-Known Member
yeah mine are really tight and bushy, my friend is growing one of these as well from the same order, and his is taller and stretchier, i think because we have different growing conditions plus i LST'd mine, if you can keep them from as little stress as possible i think you will be happy, mine have both had a bit of hell and they are ok, ones a real runt but they both are looking stickier every day.

Sn0w White

Well it's been just over a week and so i stopped doing 24/0 lighting and switched to 20/4. Everything is going well. I kind of always expected to have to do more maintenance. Instead, I'm just watering once a day (sometimes twice) and taking pictures. IMG_0877.jpg


Well-Known Member
quick tip on the watering, let it the soil dry out pretty good, then water it really well one good time until theres about 10% of that water coming of the bottom of the pot, then let it go for 3-4 days until the soils semi dry again. Its just better to let it have that wet/dry period instead of always keeping the soil wet. Don't really have to take my word for it, theres tons of info on growing that will say the same thing

Sn0w White

Don't know if this will matter one way or another, but she's in a self-watering pot and the reservoir takes about a day to go from full to dry.
Yop Sn0w!
Also n00b tryin this auto strain from nirvana lately. I do CFLs as well and works perfectly fine, 300W for 4plants. For my 2 AutoNLs I am in 3rd week of flowering after 4weeks of veg. Auto'd perfectly! and nice big sticky buds. Very slight smell around, like fresh nd grassy, no sunk unless you dip ur nose in'em :D
Your baby looks healthy m8, maybe should you get your light a bit closer if possible, like half a foot, maintain temp with fan is easy.
She grows fast huh ? :) In a month you'll see, you'll have a big 2ft tall flowering lady.
No worries with ferts, got better results tho with organics.

Keep upd8 and best luck grower !