Northern Lights auto stopped budding

Yeah .... sometimes autos will stunt / stall with stress . Stripping leaves may have caused this.
Also .... sometimes AUTOS will do unexpected things ( mostly from the third wheel addition of ruderalis to the mix ) ..... and less light schedule. Most shoot for a solid 18\6 but autos do thrive pretty well on long summer days.

Sometimes it’s the seed stock that’s wonky ( breeder ) ( unrefined ).

Do you have an indoor setup you can place that plant under ?
Because you can FORCE FLOWER an auto fairly easily by running say 10\14 straight....
It will trick plant into thinking winter is approaching and move to finish. I do a lot of autos and they can be a little trouble sometimes.

But thinking the heavy defol may have added to issue. They don’t have the recovery time to push thru stress , and are more plug and play type plants. Best not to do anything to a flowering auto.