Northern Lights 8weeks! w pics! advice please!? plus motovation pic to

phenix white

Active Member
herd well, read something about the last 2 weeks you can change lighting to 8 hours ligh this will bring out way more resin,trichs? i know they do this with strains such as/ white widow,white shark. ect..


herd well, read something about the last 2 weeks you can change lighting to 8 hours ligh this will bring out way more resin,trichs? i know they do this with strains such as/ white widow,white shark. ect..
i havent read anything about the potency being improved. i have read that if you drop your lighting schedule to 10 hrs that it can speed up the flowering process often at the cost of some yield. i'd be worried about inducing hermes by changing the light sched by 4 hours all at once, especially if your working with feminised seed (or a clone of), so if your looking to experiement you might want to walk it down in 15/30 minute segments over the course of a week or so.

if i was u i'd remain the course (12/12) unless times a factor. good luck brutha.