Northeast USA Outdoor TLO garden cart grow, Questions.


Active Member
Hello Folks,

I have been a member here for years as a creeper collecting and reading info. But now that I am in a situation where I can do stuff, and I have some questions.

Some Info about the current grow.

Supposed strain is "Mr. Nice Guy" but I question this. Mr Nice is apparently a Indi dom strain? these are big sativas no doubt.
2 Plants
~7-8 weeks flower so far.
TLO (Rev)
FF Big Bud every week for the last 6 weeks.
Water when needed. (finger stuck in soil & almost dry)

The questions are, I feel that these are flowering slowly and the growth seems to be lacking a bit for the current amount of flower time. Anyone have a clue if these will fatten up a lil bit? I know its sativa and may take a while. They seem very healthy but I am concerned with how much longer I will have to wait. it got to 39 degrees last night and frost will be coming soon. here are some Pics. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :-Pphoto (4).jpgphoto (1).jpgphoto (2).jpgphoto (3).jpgphoto (5).jpgphoto.jpg


Well-Known Member
They will fatten up a bit, but they won't turn into huge corn size colas. There's no magic potion, it just comes down to good gardening practices and quality genetics. What you did during veg or even your regions weather could have played a role. Also, I've found that nutrients that do great in hydro often suck in soil, even when the manufacturer says its for both, largely because of how fast they leach. I always get the best results using dry organic fertilizers and watering consistently. Watering is probally more important. Having lots of soil and topping it off when fresh compost is important too.

I love the look of your setup, but IMO the small containers would be better suited to growing auto flowers. What your growing appears to be a hybrid. Its probably screaming for a bigger container (100 gallons or more). Root pruning earlier in the season would have helped, but I wouldn't risk it now. You still got nice looking plants. Don't do anything rash that could ruin your harvest and next year either try another strain, another fertilizer, or do both.


Active Member
Thanks for your input! I know I could have put them in larger pots and it was debated. BUT.. this year upstate NY had so many helicopters flying around I though I had a new airport near my house.. no joke. So I put them in the smaller totes so I could move them around easier and coincidentally they both fit in my garden cart nicely so I just left them there for "Minute Man Mobility" so I could handily keep them from the eye in the sky. As for the soil it has been recycled a few times from indoor growing and had dry organics added to it when I started using it again. As you said. I will not risk any radical changes at this point.. they are looking healthy and I will be happy with whatever I get. At this point I have about 2 weeks until I would assume frost is coming. I really feel these will not be done by then. Would there be any harm in carting these into my garage overnight to protect them from frost and then back outside in the morning?


Active Member
no harm in using the garage overnight as long as your on top of getting them in and out on time... i'm in cny and have a couple more sativa dom strains that are going real slow, so i'm worried that our weather won't allow them to reach peak maturity.:wall:


Well-Known Member
Looks good you should a get a few zips easily off those! I was reading how you were saying your nights were getting cold, myself I'm in Northern Ontario about 7 hours North east of you I suppose and I've had already 2 nights of windshield scrapping frost and Rain with it for 2 weeks straight pretty much, and my girls are just fine. They range from Indica to hybrid and everything in between (Guerrilla medium size grow). So I'm trying to say that if you have the patience and security to hold off, you will definitely benefit a great amount leaving those another month. I'll bet you won't have very many nights from now till than that reach 0 degrees celcius (Freezing point). With that being said even if you do get a couple nights of freezing or very slightly below, you'll be fine. Trust me dude they need a good month to finish and if you leave them that long you may just hit a QP out of them rather than a couple zips if that right now. Your buds aren't even close to being done swelling/stretching and your pistils have a ways to go they'll throw out crazy hairs shortly, we've just hit 12/12 tonight so don't worry, it'll start going quick soon. Good Luck


Active Member
Yeah, I'm not in a hurry to finish these, just frost was my worries. 50 miles north of me is getting frost right now. Hopefully I can get these to go through the end of October! I will be posting progress photos in here every so often.


Active Member
Also gonna show my "Runt" plant of the same genetics as the others. It just never grew tall like the others. most likely when this little one is done I will just chop it and put everything nugs/trims/sugarfans into the bubblebags. photo (6).jpgphoto (7).jpgphoto (8).jpgphoto (9).jpg


I wish frost was my concern in NY. For me, it's bud rot/mold. Last year I had plants that went through 3 frosts just fine. Unfortunately, a couple of rains followed by cloudy cool days got the rot going. With all the growing and breeding in the north I'd think there'd be a strain that isn't susceptible to rot/mold so easily. Maybe there is, any one know?


Active Member
Hey guys, reporting back in here from upstate NY. Weather has been shit all week rain and fog and clouds. but seems like the plants survived through all this well, In face they are starting to swell and dump snowstorms of trichs. here are some update pics. about 8.5 weeks flower. Thanks for (1).jpgphoto (2).jpgphoto (3).jpgphoto (4).jpgphoto (5).jpgphoto (6).jpgphoto (7).jpgphoto (8).jpgphoto (9).jpgphoto (10).jpgphoto (11).jpg