BULLSHIT. leaving your plants to fend for their self and only coming back to harvest will not yield you "the best medicine" as u stated. And no the cops will not wait for you either, theyll search the area for any immediate suspects and if no one is found, scrap the grow and move on, they dnt know how often the grower frequents the spot and certainly arent gonna waste time and money waiting for u to come back. However if your that guy who sets booby traps, and an officer ends up with a bear trap around their foot, they may be more inclined to find their suspectDo it like we all do...get some high quality organic soil amendments/ organic soil and spread it all around with feminized seeds (that were rolled in a Myco bath). Do this in a discreet, undisclosed location away from the general population (do not think you are being 'smart' by doing it where people would 'least expect it', ie.. the side of a highway...this advice is for fools). Do this in one day, one time. Do this in mid April and dont come back till October/November.
Then get your dank in one fell swoop and process it.
You should only travel to this spot twice. Once to plant and once to harvest.
Outdoor growing isn't and need not be complicated like indoor growing is. Nature does all the work for you. Literally.
If you do any more than this you will get caught, the police will wait for you to return.
However, they will not wait for you to return in mid October. They simply do not have the patience and would rather just cut the field down. They will almost always cut the crop if they have not seen anyone within a month.
Camp sites, multiple visits, irrigation systems and all of that amount to hurt and destruct the environment. At the core of it, this is what pisses off humans, whether they realize it or not, cop or not.
P.S. I cannot emphasize the negative consequences of irrigation systems enough. Let nature choose to rain or have a drought season. When nature works its course naturally, the best medicine will outcome.
Hello MrMarijuana,BULLSHIT. leaving your plants to fend for their self and only coming back to harvest will not yield you "the best medicine" as u stated. And no the cops will not wait for you either, theyll search the area for any immediate suspects and if no one is found, scrap the grow and move on, they dnt know how often the grower frequents the spot and certainly arent gonna waste time and money waiting for u to come back. However if your that guy who sets booby traps, and an officer ends up with a bear trap around their foot, they may be more inclined to find their suspect
yes u did state, that you should only return once to harvest, that is leaving the plants to fend for themselves. And as someone who has had there guerilla grow taken by the choppers(went there 2-3 times weekly during the grow and 3 days after the chopper came to survey the damage) and i know for a fact they dont stake out grows. a month, you really think there gonna stake out a grow for a month. Im not spreading misinfo, ive had my plants taken, and i certainly went up there more than your advised 2 times per season. And i never had any cops jump out the bushes and arrest me. Since your so sure thats what they do, Im assuming youve had that happen to you? If you havent had your grow staked out for a nearly month and been arrested upon arrival to it, then who is it thats posting misinfo? And sorry if you misunderstood, but i dnt condone booby traps, I stated that If a cop ran into booby traps theyd be more inclined to stake the grow out, because now its a violent offense, not just some peaceful pothead growing his plants. so I actually am advising agaist them. I simply called you on your shit because i know cops wont stake a garden out if the time/expenses put into it, out weigh the charges they can give to people,(thats if they can find a suspect, as many guerilla grows, no suspect can be linked because its on public land), even being back in the woods near the grow wouldnt be enough, u need to be with the plants tending to them for them to really nab you, and if u get arrested just being in the vicinity of them, your just hiking or bird watching as long as you dnt have grow materials on your person. And thats y they wont "stake it out because theres rarely enough evidence in a guerilla grow to place an arrest. will they drive to the vicinity of where the grow was found to see if there any suspicious activity in the area after the fact, sure. But they arent going to spot your grow send officers into the woods for daily surveillance, for nearly a month, when they arent even sure if a guarenteed arrest will come from it.Hello MrMarijuana,
There is no need for anger or swear words here. I was simply trying to give some good advice for not getting caught while still being able to grow a nice harvest.
However, since you have completely mangled the intention of my post, you have annoyed me to such a degree that I must respond to your rude and often ignorant response.
I did not state "leaving your plants to fend for their self and only coming back to harvest will not yield you "the best medicine".
However, I did state: When nature works its course naturally, the best medicine will outcome.
I did not say the cops would wait for you forever, as you are implying, I said: "If you do any more than this you will get caught, the police will wait for you to return. However, they will not wait for you to return in mid October. They simply do not have the patience and would rather just cut the field down. They will almost always cut the crop if they have not seen anyone within a month. "
You stated: "And no the cops will not wait for you either, theyll search the area for any immediate suspects and if no one is found, scrap the grow and move on, they dnt know how often the grower frequents the spot and certainly arent gonna waste time and money waiting for u to come back."
You are completely wrong here and spreading wrong information will get people caught, hurt or possibly killed. Cops will stake out a grow spot for up to one month if there is illegal activity, and sometimes longer. Typically they will cut the crop, watch it for sometime, and then give up. This happens for about a month.
You stated: "However if your that guy who sets booby traps, and an officer ends up with a bear trap around their foot, they may be more inclined to find their suspect "
This last sentence is mindless drivel and a waste of my time to respond. But, it gets back to what I originally said, that by screwing up the environment (by way of traps, irrigation, etc.) that is truly the thing that pisses people off and you should not even grow if that is what your intention is.
The cannabis plant is a therapeutic and medicinal botanical and should never be booby trapped or progressed with acts of violence or indirect endangerment. That behavior is for drug dealers and drug dealers have no right to have dealings with cannabis.
P.S. Please do not misinterpret and mangle this post, I simply cannot waste my time on you any longer![]()
Those peat pellets are AWESOME for starting seedlings...I've used em for many many years & never had a problem....LOVE the rootball they help contain/create when its time to transplant in the great out of doors....Anyone else in Naughty New England or my upstate NY brethen locked, cocked and ready to rock for 2013?? This vicious mid-west mini blizzard is not instilling my confidence for a late April "release" here in NEbig v, you had a lot of success w/ those jiffy peat pellets? i really like the root riot plugs both for cloning as well as as seed starting... nice looking grow... rep the ne!