Northeast Growers Thread. Show Em' We're Here.Northeast


Well-Known Member
Here is some New England green:

Bud 2 Flowering Day 54.jpgFlowering Day 54.jpg
250w scrog with Barney's Blue Cheese

I also put a lady outside (Blue Cheese). This was my first time at it and other than dragging the soil out there, I haven't even stopped by check in on her. I thought for sure she would have died from the drought earlier this month, but happily found out that she's fine:
Outdoor BC.jpg

Other than a little leaf damage from beetles or something, she is looking fine and ready to flower-- about 4 1/2 feet tall. I used Shaman's technique of planting in a burlap sack, and I think I would try this approach again next year.


Active Member
hey, anyone have any experience with subcool and tga? i really like the pictures of his plants, but have no idea as to where to find them out here... clearly pm me if there is info to be shared... thx


Well-Known Member
this question is for EXPERIENCED OUTSIDE growers from the northeast, new england in particular. when should i expect to see flowering start with mother nature determining the light cycle?? i ask this because i have 4 of my plants in an area that gets to much light at night from a street lamp. i think i'll have to cover them at night but i want to keep with mom's schedule. so any ideas as to when (approx) i should think about setting this monstrosity up?? i only say that because the plants i have to cover are getting pretty effin big. and i live in a neighborhood where the houses are very close.



Active Member
Whats up Harley, beautiful plants I have to saw. I've been northeast for a couple of years now and have had varying results with flower start time. Ive had struggle with too much Nitrogen prolonging vegitation till late into august almost september. This year I have a hybrid bad seed which got pistils a week and half ago which surprised me. The others are just starting to get pistils as off yesterday. And also, I had a floodlight shedding a decent amount on my girls last year and it didnt seem to cause too much trouble. They sense the difference in the light intensities between day and night and the automatic rythm of light change will trick em into flowering. But ya, get goin on the lamp shade thingy cuz ur about to be into flowering any day.
nice grow! I just cut the corner off of a black garbage bag, attached a couple of fishing lines, 10" long, and tied on hollow aluminum chime tubes, real lightweight but rugged, and slip over one branch, 12/12. Strong enuf to stay on in a breeze and
8 daze later IT'S A GIRL!!!!! Cigars to all!


Well-Known Member
A little shot of my T5 scrog. People keep saying that you cant flower well with a T5 and I disagree. Here is 5 weeks under T5.
Hey figured I'd post some pics from another Maine grow. The pics are a timeline of my grow this summer. I need to take some more soon as the last photo's are a couple weeks old.
2010 006.jpg2010 007.jpg2010 004.jpg2010 003.jpg2010 002.jpg2010 001.jpgWinter10 002.jpgWinter10 001.jpg
Hey great thread! New to site so do not have any kind of journal on grow. Second year outdoor grower in SE mass. 2nd year growing hybrids from good bag seed. 1st year didn't remove males earliy enough so seeds for this year. However, did remove early enough this year do to early start. Germ seeds on march 1st. Grew in south facing skylight with sun all day. By 6-0912100853.jpg8 weeks old females started to flower. Approx 8-10 inches tall. Mid may cut off all flowers, which were tops only, transplanted into 5 gal. buck0912100852a.jpgets w mirical grow soil. About 1-2 weeks later saw new growth. Vegged for 2-2 1/2 months and presto, saw my first new hairs around the end of ju0912100852.jpgly. Here are pics taken today, approx. 7-8 weeks into floral stage. Painted some saved pollen on a couple of lower flowers on 1 plant only for s0912100848a.jpgeeds for next year. Total maturity of plants is about 7 months. Was happy with smoke last year, hopeing for an improvement with this generation.0912100848.jpgThis uploader puts pics in random places I guess.