North Korea, lets hear your guesses on where its going....


Well-Known Member
If he calls off the cease fire our troops with the Allies, would just have to sit there and be killed. I guess. I mean we are just paper tigers and a sick and decadent culture. Poor South Korea and Japan I guess. <sigh> Nothing we can do......NOT>

Isn't this more about career making? They probably have the same press agent. :)

Seriously, gonna strike us....preemptively? I hope they need large glassed over areas, if they use a nuke on the USA.


Well-Known Member
If he calls off the cease fire our troops with the Allies, would just have to sit there and be killed. I guess. I mean we are just paper tigers and a sick and decadent culture. Poor South Korea and Japan I guess. <sigh> Nothing we can do......NOT>

Isn't this more about career making? They probably have the same press agent. :)

Seriously, gonna strike us....preemptively? I hope they need large glassed over areas, if they use a nuke on the USA.
NORAD would respond per el presidente' and we'd retaliate with everything in our arsenal capable of hitting them, as well as a full compliment of airstrikes weakening or destroying 50+ targets, including but not limited to the additional command/control centers, power grid major hubs, etc. If we dropped the bomb, I do agree - there'd be plenty of sand turning into a glass parkinglot.


Well-Known Member
If we stopped them, no bomb. But, it would be ON, as you say. If any country got a nuke to us, well, mommie, WE would be so pissed off there would be nothing a President could do except to try to keep us from rioting. But, hot for hot. That's doctrine.

But, it will be so cold. We can't just tat back. I can imagine that we could just sit there for some time and see if there is any other stupidity in the world. Shake the Armed Services with readiness all weekers; while we scare the crap out of everyone on Earth with the very real threat of GTNW.

And then strong arm the UN to actually sanction, (or Not) joint allied tactical nuke strikes, then occupation, desolation and a new Mandate. I can't see re-unification. But, who knows.


Well-Known Member
If we stopped them, no bomb. But, it would be ON, as you say. If any country got a nuke to us, well, mommie, WE would be so pissed off there would be nothing a President could do except to try to keep us from rioting. But, hot for hot. That's doctrine.

But, it will be so cold. We can't just tat back. I can imagine that we could just sit there for some time and see if there is any other stupidity in the world. Shake the Services with allweekers; while we scare the crap out of everyone on Earth with the very the real threat of GTNW.

And then have the UN actually sanction, joint allied tactical nuke strikes, then occupation, desolution and a new Mandate. I can't see re-unification. But, who knows.
Agreed on all of the above, their odds of hitting us with something are minimal given their max effective known range unless it's launched from plane or boat... only thing they can hit from the ground, worst-case would be Alaska, which has silos and the Patriot II defense systems, as Hawaii does :D


Well-Known Member
he's blowing smoke up our ass. he does this every year. it wont get know where. all he wants to do is look scary. china wont let him attach.[video=youtube_share;jZ_giRCO72E][/video]just like his dad fuckem both


New Member
NORAD would respond per el presidente' and we'd retaliate with everything in our arsenal capable of hitting them, as well as a full compliment of airstrikes weakening or destroying 50+ targets, including but not limited to the additional command/control centers, power grid major hubs, etc. If we dropped the bomb, I do agree - there'd be plenty of sand turning into a glass parkinglot.
NORAD have a pretty shitty history when it's comes to defending the homeland...

They don't have to nuke you, your power grid is unprotected...


Well-Known Member
not going to happy its all a bullshit skeem. he will never do anything because he does have the balls. he wants people to look like there are afraid.


Well-Known Member
They have one shitty city. There are U.S. bases all over South Korea, several air force bases with f16's, A10's and U2's. Not to mention our bases in Japan and the South Korean bases. we would absolutely demolish them. in a day. We should just ignore him and stop handing over free shit. If you think there should be a revolution in North Korea, then we need to stop showing respect for their leadership and stop with humanitarian missions.


New Member
idk honestly I think if we were being humanitarian we would go rescue all the people from prison camps in NK, that would be the right thing to do but of course if we went to war it would be some kind of cia op to take over the government aka bring democracy and rebuild. All the prison camps are right up on the mountain we could go in from siberia and china with special forces and rescue them easy.

If you are not aware, they keep 3 generations of political prisoners. People are born into those camps and never see the freedom because of what their mother/father/grandfather/grandmother did, they are executed on a regular basis.



Well-Known Member
Kill them all? Yes, but not rescue millions of starved families by taking them over the mountains. And these are not people yearning to be free.

In that system, fear has instill loyalty over the generations. You can beat a dog long enough and it will lick your hand when you stop.

It will take generations to get rid of that. It is Lord of the Fly Island and there is very little we can do about the forced genetic experimentation, kidnapping Japanese citizens and build observational Twilight Zone towns for them. Nothing we can do. Did you see those tears when dear leader pasted. Those are the sincere tears of fear.


New Member
Kill them all? Yes, but not rescue millions of starved families by taking them over the mountains. And these are not people yearning to be free.

In that system, fear has instill loyalty over the generations. You can beat a dog long enough and it will lick your hand when you stop.

It will take generations to get rid of that. It is Lord of the Fly Island and there is very little we can do about the forced genetic experimentation, kidnapping Japanese citizens and build observational Twilight Zone towns for them. Nothing we can do. Did you see those tears when dear leader pasted. Those are the sincere tears of fear.
people imprisoned for their entire life I would think want to be freed, I am talking about the camps.


Well-Known Member
Well, they are not. It is a hostage scheme. And the son is under great strain and suspicion as he tries to clear the family name in the Army. The ones that are born there only know fear. And if they leave they know what will happen, and not just to the son.

You know it's generational, they are told nothing. They are told the rest of the world is headless barbarians or some such.

How would they even know it's not some elaborate trick. It would not be the first time I'm sure. What little we see says those people are not fit to travel and would not leave. It is an old tactic, modernized by the gulag system. Vitamin deficiency, you can't think straight.

Also, where do you put them? This is not just a few people. That the big power stick on China. That can and do conduct Cuba style, border human flooding against China.

And you know, my forum friend, if it was not so tightly wound into impossible, we would do something.


New Member
And you know, my forum friend, if it was not so tightly wound into impossible, we would do something.
America is not what is was after ww2, PLEASE stop thinking this way. You don't do things in the name of liberty and freedom anymore and nothing will happen in NK because there's no financial gain involved.

Human flooding against china? A humanitarian crisis will always displace people do wonder why they're flooding into china? FOOD....