Oh hell no!!! Imagine this little monkey more paranoid!!!!Oh dear fucking god...Lets all send Kim Jong Il a joint, tell him to cool his fucking jets.
*Cough*In August, the Obama administration used the Cheonan incident as a pretext to impose additional economic sanctions on North Korea. On May 20, South Korea officially blamed North Korea for the sinking of its warship in March. Investigators from Australia, Britain, Sweden and the United States arrived at the conclusion that North Korea sunk the vessel with a torpedo. Investigators said the torpedo was likely of German manufacture.
“There are suspicions that the US Navy SEALS maintains a sampling of European torpedoes for sake of plausible deniability for false flag attacks,” investigative journalist Wayne Madsen wrote in May. “Also, Berlin does not sell torpedoes to North Korea, however, Germany does maintain a close joint submarine and submarine weapons development program with Israel.”
Saw that this morning...
More than likely yes....and that is why I keep pulling China into this as pulling that mentally ill mans' strings. They need him to be their little patsy. Diplomatically it makes so much sense to have him be your fall guy if things start to go south. China hasnt budged on this...the reason: they need him to do exactly what he is doing so that they can exploit the situation and further strain the US. China is the endgame, I have been a supporter of that theory for 8 years and I am ever more sure of it, especially now.SO lets play what if.
What if you are crazy nuts muther fucker Kim.
But the ship was blown up by mossad or some shit.
Everybody is blameing you and threating you... do you get more nuts or less nuts?
As alarming as the blue highlights are...I find the red to be quite interesting...In August, the Obama administration used the Cheonan incident as a pretext to impose additional economic sanctions on North Korea. On May 20, South Korea officially blamed North Korea for the sinking of its warship in March. Investigators from Australia, Britain, Sweden and the United States arrived at the conclusion that North Korea sunk the vessel with a torpedo. Investigators said the torpedo was likely of German manufacture.
“There are suspicions that the US Navy SEALS maintains a sampling of European torpedoes for sake of plausible deniability for false flag attacks,” investigative journalist Wayne Madsen wrote in May. “Also, Berlin does not sell torpedoes to North Korea, however, Germany does maintain a close joint submarine and submarine weapons development program with Israel.”
There is no way that they will allow the US to have any more control over the Korean peninsula than they already do...if it came to conflict China would have no other choice than to defend their own backyard. They are neighboring communist allies, they have a lot in common, their cause.shits gonna pop off in one way or another...
I don't see china sticking to it's alliance with north korea if kim keeps acting all insane like this. from what I've read so far they're acting like the parent thinking wtf is he doing... I hope I"m right about this because if not this could be seriously fucked up ....
then the ONLY choice for them is to get kim in check....There is no way that they will allow the US to have any more control over the Korean peninsula than they already do...if it came to conflict China would have no other choice than to defend their own backyard. They are neighboring communist allies, they have a lot in common, their cause.
lol, i liked this post.SO lets play what if.
What if you are crazy nuts muther fucker Kim.
But the ship was blown up by mossad or some shit.
Everybody is blameing you and threating you... do you get more nuts or less nuts?
no way buddy...we would destroy china..war wouldnt touch our soil.Scary shit.
China would likely kick our ass if the nukes could be controlled. They have a shitload of boys and a large reproductive base ready to breed like bunnies
We need to worry about our own borders...it's getting to where a red blooded American kid can't get a job in the NHL...damned Canucks
As alarming as the blue highlights are...I find the red to be quite interesting...
Both of those were funny.no way buddy...we would destroy china..war wouldnt touch our soil.
we have too much of a give and take relationship with china, they wouldnt go to war with us..who would buy their shit then!?