Normal yellowing, plant deficiency or nute burn?


Well-Known Member
I watered my plants last night for the first time with Jack's Classic All Purpose(20-20-20). The formula calls for 1/4 tsp per gallon and I put about 1/8 tsp. I checked today and saw this. To be fair that smaller leaf has been a bit of yellow. I transplanted into the pot about 2 to 2 1/2 weeks ago. All other leaves are deep green with no problems. I watered my other plant as well and it has no signs of any yellowing.


Well-Known Member
Looks like I'll have to buy a tester then. I've been using brita filtered tap water left out for 24 hours. If the ph was the cause wouldn't I of had this problem much earlier since I've been using the same water from the start?


Well-Known Member
Guys, I'm not sure where you all are seeing 1/4 teaspoon. Everyone on here keeps talking teaspoons but my tub and peters website clearly says 1 tablespoon per gallon! Says to feed every 10 days, I've been giving them. Half strength at 1 1/2 teaspoons per gallon or 1 tbsp in 2 gallons and am about to step it up"...


Well-Known Member
Guys, I'm not sure where you all are seeing 1/4 teaspoon. Everyone on here keeps talking teaspoons but my tub and peters website clearly says 1 tablespoon per gallon! Says to feed every 10 days, I've been giving them. Half strength at 1 1/2 teaspoons per gallon or 1 tbsp in 2 gallons and am about to step it up"...
I'm growing indoors. Not sure what tub you have, but both my all purpose and blossom booster have the exact same instructions as far as feeding goes. Also says 7-14 like a thorough feeding. Not sure about you, but I feed after 2-3 days not every 7-14. You shouldn't follow what any fertilizer feeding manual says because each plant is different.

Also since I've ended up posting in this thread again, the problem was a nitrogen deficiency. It has been fixed.



Well-Known Member
the problem was a nitrogen deficiency. It has been fixed.
i wouldnt be too quick to say that. the rest of the plant does not look nitrogen deficient, even a little. you have some pretty dark looking leaves, so its odd to have bright yellow ones on the bottom be a just nitrogen issue. perhaps something is locking out the nitrogen, like a pH issue... or perhaps your low on potassium, or a micro nutrient.

u have to get a pH kit and check, if thats ok, give it a little boost of all nutrients.

i usually make a mix of 6 products (and a few organic teas) to make sure i have a good variety of nutrients, sugars, carbs, bacteria, microbes... 3 things you could get for under 20 bucks at a pet store is a bottle of nutes for tropical fish tank plants, its 0-0-0 but has tons of micro nutes. another would be a pH kit, the eyedropper, vial and chart thing is cheap. and the last would be a bottle of 6.5 (preferred) or 7.0 buffer for fish tanks. i use those all the time and and check it with the pH that i bought from the same petstore and my pH is never outside the 6.4-6.7 range. if i see issues other than nute burn, i add nutes. most of the time, adding a little of something balanced, like 5-5-5 and some extra micro nutes is a fix all.

hope that helps.
try teas if money is an issue, but dont skimp on pH. 15 bucks there and your set.


Well-Known Member
This is an old pic. Over the course of the next week more leaves began to yellow and 90% of my stems began to redden. I added more nitrogen(at the time I lacked a N fertilizer so I used a very diluted urine mix) and my problems went away. Yellowing has stopped completely and the majority of the stems that were red have returned to a nice green color.

Also I haven't messed with my ph once. If ph was the issue wouldn't I still be having the problem? I realize I do need to check my ph, but I haven't had any other problems with any other plants in my garden(normal flowers, basil, mint) including the Blue Mammoth that is about the same age as the NL.


Well-Known Member
This is an old pic. Over the course of the next week more leaves began to yellow and 90% of my stems began to redden. I added more nitrogen(at the time I lacked a N fertilizer so I used a very diluted urine mix) and my problems went away. Yellowing has stopped completely and the majority of the stems that were red have returned to a nice green color.

Also I haven't messed with my ph once. If ph was the issue wouldn't I still be having the problem? I realize I do need to check my ph, but I haven't had any other problems with any other plants in my garden(normal flowers, basil, mint) including the Blue Mammoth that is about the same age as the NL.
if your short on money, check out the organic recipes link in my signature. some are near free to make, and get the job done.

dont pee on your plants.

*then again... if you see a vegetarian, virgin, and ginger rolled up into 1 person, understand your looking at a unicorn and should cage them immediately, because their urine would be the closest to being ok for plants.*


Well-Known Member
I went out this morning and applied 1 teaspoon of classic and 1 teaspoon of bloom booster into 2 gallons of water and put on mine... I guess technically it's there strongest dose yet, I plan to give this to them every 3-4 days if they react well to it


Well-Known Member
I didn't piss on my plants lol. I used about a 1:20 ratio of plain water. The issue with urine is that it's very concentrated with N and salt. Using it isn't unheard of in gardening. You just have to properly dilute it. Look up Lady J's grow. She used it for awhile and they did just fine, so have mine ^_^ I haven't seen any adverse effects. While I'm guessing you haven't read my journal I don't plan on using it forever. It was more of a "oh shit I have a N deficiency what can I use that's effective that I have on hand" and she suggested that from her own experience and a few links she gave me. Wasn't short on money, but I don't have a hydro store or nursery anywhere near where I live and I wasn't going to pay for 1 day shipping for something. I have a seaweed-fish blend that's coming in the mail and that will be my main source of nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
I went out this morning and applied 1 teaspoon of classic and 1 teaspoon of bloom booster into 2 gallons of water and put on mine... I guess technically it's there strongest dose yet, I plan to give this to them every 3-4 days if they react well to it
If your plant responds well to it then who cares if it's the strongest dose yet. Companies try and give exact amounts you're suppose to use, but each plant is different. If she wants more than that then add more :)