Normal or nutes problems???


Active Member
Hey all... my girls seem to be doing ok. I've had a few leaves fall off on their own, and most of the leaves look healthy and green. But, then there are these... As well most of the fan leaf stems are turning purple (also circled in the pic). I just raised the light today too I was noticing some leaf tip curl.

Any ideas or thoughts on the cause... just getting old? Real nutes issues? Too hot?



Well-Known Member
Need info:
Water PH?
Tap, purified, or distilled water?
What type of nutes?
What type of grow medium?

It looks like an N deficiency. Yellowing leaves and purple stems are usually and indicator for this, but it looks like you either have a heat problem or nute burn on your leaves.

That leaves either an N deficiency caused by a lack of nutes and accompanied by heat stress, PH off causing a lockout and your solution is too much nutrient, or I'm way off base and everything is fine.


Active Member
water pH ~6.3
Britta purified
Fox Farm organics... second week of flowering. last watered Friday with molasses and Open Sesame
in soil

I stopped adding high N nutes about two weeks ago also OS is 5-45-19 hell if I know what molasses is

I've never flushed but most of the plant looks very healthy still.

Does that help any

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Foxfarm organics? Big Bloom? None of the other liquid ferts they make are "organic"...

I hate the high number ferts. 99.9% of the time whern someone has a "problem" it's because they're using the *purty picture* packaged ferts with double-digit numbers of N-P-K.

I'll wager the Open sesame is the culprit. It probably sent the toxicity levels over the top....

just a guess. I'd flush that sucker big time if it were me and toss that crap in the trash...

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
Add N. Fox Farms organics run out of N too early in flowering. Mexican Bat Guano should resolve this. Fix it fast, it spreads like wild fire. If that's a lower leaf that doesn't reach light it could simply be that, but you will be plauged with yellowing.


Active Member
ok so I'm an idiot.. I wish I could say I was stoned.. but that's why I'm growing my own.

Thanks bt dt for pointing out the obvious. I can read labels.. I just can't absorb what I read either that of the "purty
picture" was just too much for my brain to overcome. Any way I agree completely that that shit has to take the fast track to the trash and bring in the Age Old Organics

Well off to read up the FAQs on flushing...