Norcal Winter Outdoor


Active Member
Im up in norcal and have my indoor setup going but was thinking about putting 3 plants outside in my 30gallon smarts pots to try it out and see what happens, i got purple gorilla, skywalker og and purple diesel, was going to do o e of each. They are about 2" to 2 1/2" tall right now. Has anyone done this? I hear of people pulling four seasons outdoor buy have never tried it


Well-Known Member
You have to be careful with the rain. If you can keep them dry then you will be able to pull something off them. The challenge you will have would be keeping them from revegging on you. If you have some to spare go for it. :)


Active Member
I got extras, between my card and my wifes we can spare a few :lol: , i know the rain will be a issue. I would just have to drag them into the garage or something or cover them up


Active Member
Also was thinking that the really cold weather at night might hurt the plants, but i will give it a shot and post up pics as i go


Well-Known Member
Covering them up would be best. A greenhouse would be the best thing but you can also set up a canopy of some sort for the days you know for a fact it's going to rain. Moving them into the garage may mess with budding more as you will have to supplement light.


Well-Known Member
I've done it this year. The earlier crop put out in Oct finished fine. The one put out in November grew leaf buds. The last three I just put out about 2-3 weeks ago seem to be forming correctly. There is something different with the sun's intensity in the heart of winter. It was fun but I will probably take the winter off next year and just do indoors. :leaf:


Active Member
Ya i heard they can get leafy at times, but i might still try and put just three outside to just try it out, they a not big right now only about 2 1/2' tall and in 3gallon smart pots right now but would transfer them into the 30 gallon ones for outdoor


Well-Known Member
With the length of daylight now, they'll probably start flowering right away. IMO you'll waste a 30 gallon pot because they aren't gonna veg, just flower. 10 gallons should be more than sufficient
Complete waste of time the suns intesity is way to low to get anything quality out of it. It was mostly be just frosted tiny leaves.



Active Member
Like shit!! I didnt pay as much attention as i should have to them, then 2 of the outside skywalkers ended up being male and didnt catch it in time, so i got screwed of those clones, then the rain came down really hard one night out of no where when i have been checking the forecast i gave up on it for this year. They defintly need protecting which i was lacking.

I also had skywalkers in my room that i didnt catch in time and polinated everything that was in the room. Total proof that lacking attention to a room or late outdoor crop will ruin everything lol!!! But i changed some things around in my room setup and started over and paying way more attention

TMG Genetics

New Member
Im up in norcal and have my indoor setup going but was thinking about putting 3 plants outside in my 30gallon smarts pots to try it out and see what happens, i got purple gorilla, skywalker og and purple diesel, was going to do o e of each. They are about 2" to 2 1/2" tall right now. Has anyone done this? I hear of people pulling four seasons outdoor buy have never tried it
It won't work for shit unless they are in a greenhouse, if not they will just grow little tiny buds, not worth fucking with unless you are in a greenhouse.