norcal - whens the latest you can put out to get a decent yield?


Active Member
i got cuttings rooting and plan on taking more and more but i wanna know the above question so i know when to stop thanks riu


Well-Known Member
Id say the first of July is the last open window for a decent harvest if all goes well and no hiccups. I generally put my customary 4th of July clone out and generally reach 5-6 feet . Had one one year put out a pound or more.. I was gonna wait that long so I don't get overgrown but couldn't help myself and planted the first of June.

charles lewis

Well-Known Member
Just keep putting out as many lil ladies as you can, but don't over do it and run out of food and dont have the funds to feed the funds to feed them ladies! i did that 1 year and ran into all types of problems. O shit, that was last year! Cal-mg problem here, to pistils over there, need more of sumthin here! shit was crazy! don't want that to happen to me again! what a shit load of time and money wasted! do what you KNOW u can afford to handle!


Well-Known Member
I had problems one year. Put in three times as many plants/clones as is normal, on July 5th expecting "X". Ended up with "3X". A bunch of bushy 5 footers. The down side? A serious issue with the legal system. It all worked out, but I'll never put more plants in than the law allows(it was 6 person at the time), again. Don't get greedy!

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Just keep putting out as many lil ladies as you can, but don't over do it and run out of food and dont have the funds to feed the funds to feed them ladies! i did that 1 year and ran into all types of problems. O shit, that was last year! Cal-mg problem here, to pistils over there, need more of sumthin here! shit was crazy! don't want that to happen to me again! what a shit load of time and money wasted! do what you KNOW u can afford to handle!
Dude I did that last year too. My issue was when September came we didn't get rain for 3.5 weeks. I couldn't water all of them so I lost a great amount. I had about 83. At the end only about 15