NorCal outdoor 2012 coastal style , white Russian, kush, skunk,hash, blue cheese+more


Well-Known Member
who can help me out. one of my biggest plants which is planted in the ground is looking a little sad and its been doing this for awhile. pretty much it appears under watered meaning whole leaf is drooping not just tips like over watering, but its not displaying any real deficiency's and its definitely not under watered or over watered im more than positive on that. but what else could cause this? im starting to have suspicions that that plants soil ph might be too high but wouldn't i see lockout also?? it went away for afew weeks when i did constant max sea feeding which lowers the ph quite a bit so idk what else it could be. it is also a little behind on flowering than the other plants of the same strain but it could just be that pheno


Well-Known Member
Just wow! How tall is that sunflower @ the end of the vid cause it looks like it is towering over everything else and u got some beasts. I could just get lost in a forest like that all daye.


Well-Known Member
Just wow! How tall is that sunflower @ the end of the vid cause it looks like it is towering over everything else and u got some beasts. I could just get lost in a forest like that all daye.
haha thanks! that sunflower is about 13-14ft! whats funny is it was the smallest one but it just flowered afew weeks later than the others. haha tell me about it i love just chillin down there, if only wifi would reach! hit me up if your ever out my way your always welcome to check it out and medicate


Well-Known Member
Hey bro......have you opened up the soil around the root zone? It might be soil dwelling bugs. Have you checked the ph of her soil?


Well-Known Member
wow.....beautiful, my grow feels so inadequate compared to yours, like an asian and an african man comparing penis sizes hahahaha
haha thanks and dont even trip man i was doing grows your size not even a year ago!
Hey bro......have you opened up the soil around the root zone? It might be soil dwelling bugs. Have you checked the ph of her soil?
i bought a soil ph meter ill go put it in now and see what she reads and ill take a hand full of soil and see if we have bugs. and ill do a fungicide root drench too just because.


Well-Known Member
just found one of my platinum og in 20 gallon bag snapped laying on its side like it had been fallen on. the last person who was in the garden was my landlord and im fucking positive it was him! and he just went to sleep hella early. and now hes gunna try an say it was proably burglers or deer and i know it was not either. im not giving this mother fucker any weed at all. when he asks for weed after harvest im going to tell him to take it out of the plant he fell on and wouldn't man up for.

calling this mother fucker out first thing in the morning.

The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
just found one of my platinum og in 20 gallon bag snapped laying on its side like it had been fallen on. the last person who was in the garden was my landlord and im fucking positive it was him! and he just went to sleep hella early. and now hes gunna try an say it was proably burglers or deer and i know it was not either. im not giving this mother fucker any weed at all. when he asks for weed after harvest im going to tell him to take it out of the plant he fell on and wouldn't man up for.

calling this mother fucker out first thing in the morning.
well be careful, he might actually not have been lying, wouldn't want the landlord to get pissed and rat you out, which might happen if hes a douche


Well-Known Member
who can help me out. one of my biggest plants which is planted in the ground is looking a little sad and its been doing this for awhile. pretty much it appears under watered meaning whole leaf is drooping not just tips like over watering, but its not displaying any real deficiency's and its definitely not under watered or over watered im more than positive on that. but what else could cause this? im starting to have suspicions that that plants soil ph might be too high but wouldn't i see lockout also?? it went away for afew weeks when i did constant max sea feeding which lowers the ph quite a bit so idk what else it could be. it is also a little behind on flowering than the other plants of the same strain but it could just be that pheno
try getting this stuff called oregonism xl. I use it on all my plants outdoors and it prevents a lot of problems in general.


Well-Known Member
So we are now down to 23 plants I'm seriously fucking pissed right now that's pretty much half a pound down the drain before they even got a chance to produce and I just waisted a ton of worm casting top dressing that bag. I heard what sounded like footsteps in the woods below my grow so I went chaseing after the noises in the wood with a light and a machete and I actually think it could have been one of my neighbors trying to jack me or scope out the spot because the walking noise would only happen when we would make noise (common thief trick) and I grew up in the woods and I can tell the difference between deer walking and a person walking and I fucking heard human footsteps. But when I was down in the woods I could hear all the critters I scared running all around but the footsteps stopped for 30 minutes while I hunched under a dark tree with lights off trying to get them to make noise again so I could get an idea were they where ( I think I must have been really fucking close )

If I catch a thief and I don't end up killing them I'm going to tie them up and piss on them and take pictures for riu


Well-Known Member
Fuck it's also super fucking humid and foggy right now so I'm wishing I had that Oxidate already.

God I'm fucking bummed shit switched up on me quick

The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
So we are now down to 23 plants I'm seriously fucking pissed right now that's pretty much half a pound down the drain before they even got a chance to produce and I just waisted a ton of worm casting top dressing that bag. I heard what sounded like footsteps in the woods below my grow so I went chaseing after the noises in the wood with a light and a machete and I actually think it could have been one of my neighbors trying to jack me or scope out the spot because the walking noise would only happen when we would make noise (common thief trick) and I grew up in the woods and I can tell the difference between deer walking and a person walking and I fucking heard human footsteps. But when I was down in the woods I could hear all the critters I scared running all around but the footsteps stopped for 30 minutes while I hunched under a dark tree with lights off trying to get them to make noise again so I could get an idea were they where ( I think I must have been really fucking close )

If I catch a thief and I don't end up killing them I'm going to tie them up and piss on them and take pictures for riu
LOP A FUCKING ARM OR LEG OFF! and then stick it in your plants soil to help it grow, the cycle of life!


Well-Known Member
Fucking rippers!
its that time of year when all the rippers are out, check out the note one left me 2 years ago in one of my patches ,they took what they could and left me a thank you note !!! the next pic was what i left for them ,nothing i chopped what was left of my own shit and moved on to the other patches. i feel for ya !! it sucks when people stock ya ass to rob ya !! 002.jpg005.jpg006.jpg010.jpg


Active Member
who can help me out. one of my biggest plants which is planted in the ground is looking a little sad and its been doing this for awhile. pretty much it appears under watered meaning whole leaf is drooping not just tips like over watering, but its not displaying any real deficiency's and its definitely not under watered or over watered im more than positive on that. but what else could cause this? im starting to have suspicions that that plants soil ph might be too high but wouldn't i see lockout also?? it went away for afew weeks when i did constant max sea feeding which lowers the ph quite a bit so idk what else it could be. it is also a little behind on flowering than the other plants of the same strain but it could just be that pheno
I had one plant do this, turned out to be termites munching on the roots! Luckily it was just a small plant that was planted in July that I didn't have much real hope for anyway., I use a lot of diatamatious earth mixed into my soil which stops most ground dwellers. Not sure what else it could be.


Well-Known Member
Naw it was one half pound platinum og, it was one of my semi smaller ones but I'm positive that it wasn't any bugs this was a person falling on or something similar..

I said fuck it thanks to my good friend Benjamin Franklin " those who give up essential liberty to obtain temporary freedom deserve neither freedom nor liberty" And with that I went in the backyard and dug up my problem solver....

The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
its that time of year when all the rippers are out, check out the note one left me 2 years ago in one of my patches ,they took what they could and left me a thank you note !!! the next pic was what i left for them ,nothing i chopped what was left of my own shit and moved on to the other patches. i feel for ya !! it sucks when people stock ya ass to rob ya !! View attachment 2316202View attachment 2316205View attachment 2316214View attachment 2316225
wow that suck man, those looked awesome too

I saw a documentary that followed one of these three growers outdoors cycles, and one got jacked by his friend/colleague for 18 grand, anothers crop got attacked by a bear, and the last one had everything stolen :( some people are really assholes, and its weird, because what credible person/stoner would ever steal someone else's crop?