Norcal outdoor 2011 (saving the season)


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys Ill be posting some updates as we move forward I was thinking maybe pics onece a week and a weekly video. Still very curious about the advanced heavy harvest..Has any messed with the stuff at all?

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Oy i used heavy harvest last year, there spring growth formula was great, had a little bit of nute burn after the first application but after that really solid growth. The fall bloom formula though was very dissapointing. All in all its an over hyped version of what you can get in a 40 lb bag for 10 bucks at home depot.

I'd go organic or at least meet in the middle with something like fox farm marine cuisine or a nice guano top dressing after flowering has started. Fish emulsion and kelp teas are also the bomb diggity.
I used to be a chemical grower and fully believed in it at the time, but after witnessing the ease and quality of organics I've never looked back.

Conclusion being that there spring formula is alright, I didnt bother with summer at all just kept using the spring formula because I liked the npk ratio better and from my personal experience the fall formula is rubbish.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice man much appreciated. Ive been making tea for a bit now and havent used any of the HH yet just because I wanted to see what people thought. I have fish emulsion kelp and all kinds of good things in the tea. I think I might head that direction myself keeping it simple has never led me the wrong. What are these home depot fertz you'r talking about?

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
The homedepot fertz are nothing to write home about, there just a basic 10-10-10 slow release granules very similiar to heavy harvest, though not nearly as expensive. It sounds like you have the organic department on lockdown if i were you i wouldnt be looking anywhere but at my plants at this point.

Foxfarm marine cuisine is something i would look into, for the most part its organic and i mixed it in at a tablespoon per gallon of soil and then let it cook for several weeks, ive fed my plants nothing but water so far and there doing fine. I know it can also be used as a topdressing, just something to look into if you like that premixed ready to use style of fert. Personally you cant go wrong with a good compost/EWC tea with fish kelp and alfalfa weekly. That and a top dressing of hi phos guano should give you all you need, or you can just incorporate the guano into the tea itself.

Your doin old school or actively aerated teas? I highly suggest the aerated if you havent stumbled upon it yet, the difference an air pump and a couple of aquarium stones makes is a world of difference. Good luck keep postin those questions

Turtle Time

Keep the microbes, and therefore the roots healthy, and the rest will follow. Am I right?

You should look into breeding Red Wiggler earth worms, along with nematodes.


Well-Known Member
Sweet ya ive been brewing really concentrated batches of tea and havent really fed the plants anything other then that thus far. I use a bunch of air stones and try and keep it as aerated as possible. The soil if you didnt catch the earlier post is roots organic regular blend so I know there is a bunch of good stuff in it. I was just curious about a lot the last time I had a chance to do an outdoor it was in NY and I was supposed to be doing it so i didnt tend or pay attention to anything nearly as much as I should have. Ive been getting wrapped up in the indoor the past few years and seemed to forget how great simple organic things really are. Thanks again guys I appreciate all the tips and hope you stick around.


Well-Known Member
Internet has been down but seems to be fixed now. I made a new video today and will do my best at getting it uploaded tonight. The plants have grown quite a bit for just a few short days. I was wondering if pot plants turn their leaves before a thunder storm? I know back east in NY all the leaves on trees would always turn over before we got rain. I noticed a few plants in the garden doing it tonight and the weather report is calling for rain so I figured I would ask.


Well-Known Member
Heres a video I took a couple days ago

I picked up a few green crack teens today. I will have a few pics up tomorrow the new ladies look great.
Green crack is a fucked up strain - in a good way :P Gave me the longest most steady high I've ever had. And excuse me if this is a stupid question or something, but I've never grown (growing 2 autos on my deck right now :P). But from reading other outdoor journals - most outdoor plants yield 1-2LBs of weed per plant. You're growing like 60. So are you planning on yielding 60+ LBs? Guessing its commercial?