Norcal-Anyyone NOT chop yet??


Active Member
thats cuz it aint. but i wont start calln u names bro. im chill unlike folks from down south like sacramento n fresno... lol
So why have businesses in the bay area used the "norcal" name since California became a state? You are on one hell of a high horse to say sum shit like this lol. The state is one of the largest in the country and you act as if only the tip of California is the north end or what? The whole "NOR-CAL" branding you see on everything that represents NorCal and California itself originates from the bay area. Not the small ass towns far far north. I know how great that area is. The Emerald Triangle. Napa. Humboldt. Redding and Shasta. But don't act like it (way far north) is what "Norcal" IS. Because That shit starts in the Bay that word was fucking born here.

And Sacramento being "down south" man, u should just move to Oregon or something.

Also I hate to cite using wikipedia but for such a basic topic. . . . feel free to read. I find it interesting that the three pictures it shows are all cities you say are not NorCal. lol


Does sunlight accelerate ripening? Or is it more like, the weed will be done at the same time no matter what but will be better/bigger if it gets alot of sun?

Good question. I've wondered the same thing, jbleez.
Does anyone have an anwser???​


Active Member
So why have businesses in the bay area used the "norcal" name since California became a state? You are on one hell of a high horse to say sum shit like this lol. The state is one of the largest in the country and you act as if only the tip of California is the north end or what? The whole "NOR-CAL" branding you see on everything that represents NorCal and California itself originates from the bay area. Not the small ass towns far far north. I know how great that area is. The Emerald Triangle. Napa. Humboldt. Redding and Shasta. But don't act like it (way far north) is what "Norcal" IS. Because That shit starts in the Bay that word was fucking born here.

And Sacramento being "down south" man, u should just move to Oregon or something.

Also I hate to cite using wikipedia but for such a basic topic. . . . feel free to read. I find it interesting that the three pictures it shows are all cities you say are not NorCal. lol
like i said bro im chill. but i provoked another "southerner"... lol why is it every1 south of all the small towns up north are always butt hurt when we tell em they aint norcal? i really dont care bro but i sure love seeing u complain where "norcal" came from n try n search info to prove your point. srry i hurt ur feelings. all of cali is norcal. hell my family back in nebraska is norcal. same with fam in louisiana n florida! we r all norcal! (lmao so hard i fell off my extremely tall horse u mentioned)


Active Member
im in one and only girl had the same problem bleez.....maybe 2 hours of direct sunlight the last its clouds and rain....shes not done yet...but i fugure as long as shes happy..let her go.....not sure what strain she is....(bagseed).....givin her nothing but water(no nutes)...she smells great
shes starting to turn purple on the leaves.....see you at the finish line


Well-Known Member
Check azryda402's wiki link up above. It shows exactly where the dividing line for nor cal is. SF is definitely NorCal, as is Sac


Does sunlight accelerate ripening? Or is it more like, the weed will be done at the same time no matter what but will be better/bigger if it gets alot of sun?

Good question. I've wondered the same thing, jbleez.
Does anyone have an anwser???​


Well-Known Member
I'd think the reduction of sunlight has something to do with ripening, at least from what I've seen in my gardens.

As for the whole "where does Norcal start?" debate, for now it's anything north of the Jefferson state line, and if you have to ask about Jefferson, you aren't far enough north.


Well-Known Member
^^^ thank you for reminding me... i almost forgot. how do u guys consider urself norCAL when u dont even want to be considered part of california. u guys cry for ur own state because u dont want to be considered californian. so therefore u guys shouldnt rep cal period.


Active Member
I think dude hasnt left the hills up there to even realize how large northern cali even is.laugh as hard as u want. Ur only correct until u leave ur little tiny area.


DAMN situation critical... still havent chopped. Parts of my plants look PERFECT. Hella cloudy, teeny bits of amber. and some parts are almost TOTALLY CLEAR. WTF!! I dont get much sun anymore and only about 2-3 hours of direct sunlight a day. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!