NorCal 4/20 BBQ!


Well-Known Member
Well come on.
I'm sure things will pick up & more poeple will be joining in, as 4/20 comes closer.
You don't want to miss the good old days!


Well-Known Member
Well these things take on a life of their own!
If you go read the last pages from the last BBQ, the 'after' comments... Most people got sooo wasted on Sat, they needed Sun to sleep it off. "Potfaced" was a common discription!lol!



Well-Known Member
I no longer have the Medijuana, the mother died!
It was the earliest finishing strain I've ever seen outdoors. And frostiest too!
I still have Seed for the Medi although I'm not growing it this year. Kinda tired of it been growing it for 6 seasons now. It's great to have the fresh sweet early sept finish thou.going to miss that this year.


Well-Known Member
I certainly will brother Hodge, it will be good to see you again.
Yeay, the Medi is reborn again!........Thanks my friends
Things are looking up!:-o



Well-Known Member
Will be making my first appearance 4/20!. Very excited to meet a bunch of you guys. A lot of you have been inspiration, and without this site and its community I wouldn't know close to half the shit I know now. Its great to see members of RIU coming together in person for the greater good of the plant and have a good ole time!

Will bring some delicious shatter for everyone to enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Started reading it and jumped round then it got sad:sad:
Fyi to all I love beans I am a bean whore and would love some of your genes:-P


Well-Known Member
Started reading it and jumped round then it got sad:sad:
Fyi to all I love beans I am a bean whore and would love some of your genes:-P
Yeah, there was some unnecessary bs that happend around the last one, but none during the BBQ.
We will just learn from it and move foreward. 4/20 should be a lot of fun.
Yes, should be plenty of beans to go around



Well-Known Member
Hopefully there will be clones as well as beans.
Started reading it and jumped round then it got sad:sad:
Fyi to all I love beans I am a bean whore and would love some of your genes:-P
Im also a bean whore ;) and will be trying to bring some cuttings/ teens for some kind of hippie trade circle or for some contests/games??? (((THOUGHT FLOATING IN HEAD)))))). unfornetly I don't have any of my beans collection after the move.... but theres a always time to start again :)