Nor Cal Shrooms ID please


Well-Known Member
Scouting for a stand of alder once, up north a new found friend and I got very off roadish. There was a little early fall snow and we were drinking. I was looking everywhere from the old truck for signs but was more interested in getting a few saplings in order to start my "garden". My new buddy finally got us dead stuck in a plowed field in the kind of greasy mud that would suck the boots right off of your feet. We walked about two miles through that muck to a farm house only to be berated (quite severly) for tearing up their field, for tresspassing and for being stupid which we were.

We got sheepish and asked if they could use their tractor to get us unstuck and we were finally asked what the FUCK we were doing riding out near that stand of alder. "looking for cyans I said"

OH!!! well why didn't you say so in the first place. Whereupon they gave us what must have been two ounces of dried cyans, served us dinner and gave us a round of the best artisan goat milk cheese I have ever tasted (never mind that it was coated with pasteurized goat shit - that was their secret). Then they pulled our truck out of the rut and filled us up with alder logs.

We were welcome to forage their property just don't drive through our fields goddamn it.

Nice folk.


Well-Known Member
You lucky SOB thats a great story.

I'm gonna need to visit the PNW some day. The wife and I have considered moving to WA., or perhaps OR. I think it would fit our personalities much better then the midwest does. I also need to actually join shroomery I've read threads there for years but never bothered to join.