Nor cal medi garden 100 gdp & 70 og kush started dec 15 2008


Well-Known Member
Ok So here we go 4 weeks in ... just opened up the wall so to keep the teps of both flowering room, so instead of 18x10 we @ 26x10 hahaha, temps is @ 78-82 for both rooms.. with in these next 2 weeks im definatly going to be adding 2 mor 1000's... so hear are the pic's i uploaded a bunch.

before (notice the wall in the back)


view from other side..

2 kushs lesbo's 1 3 gallon pot.

a view of the lesbo's

side view of the kush

my wife making water

added a huge pump to keep the nuets active

another view of the wall i opend up...

just to show you how many are under each ligh..

action pic of the hand to hand combat watering...

And here we go into week 4 .....

gonna try and order sum seeds this week any got sum good suggestions??shipped to usa

recap # 6.................................


Well-Known Member
Ay BAM, where are you quoting all those pics? you got a different journal or what haha cause i didnt see any of those in the thread


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2071850]Ay BAM, where are you quoting all those pics? you got a different journal or what haha cause i didnt see any of those in the thread[/quote]

i see them all. :bigjoint: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2071850]Ay BAM, where are you quoting all those pics? you got a different journal or what haha cause i didnt see any of those in the thread[/quote]

just from my 1st page up to the last page..

wanted to weedout sum of the chat, for those who wanna see the pic's...


Well-Known Member
Yea my bad, i could have swore i came in the thread during the beginning, you kno how that kush gets you :leaf:


Well-Known Member
4 & 1/2 weels into this op heres a quick pic of how much i water each time 20 gallons...

last week useing big bud by advanced nuets

smaller room

(((((iwalked in and saw this girl bent over)))))))_)))

there wee goooooooooo!

i got sum gnate issue's i can see im try and handle those fuckers by this weekend.


Well-Known Member
hows that sulfer vaporizer working it looks like you had a little powder mold on the leaves? Looks great keep it up. oh yeah try green sand for gnats


Well-Known Member
dude you want gnat control try mosquito dunks you put em in your water and let soak there are lil microbes that will kill fungus gnats also keep the bug strips around
the pm will go away with the sulfur burner I love mine, how often are you running it?


Well-Known Member
dude you want gnat control try mosquito dunks you put em in your water and let soak there are lil microbes that will kill fungus gnats also keep the bug strips around
the pm will go away with the sulfur burner I love mine, how often are you running it?

i have the mildew in the lil room cause , well i think its cause of the humity, you can see theres hella plants cramped into a small area, next time ima keep it to 16-20 under each 1000.. so next time that wount happen....

i run the sulfur burner every 2-3 days and ive ran it like 3 times so far ,(they say @ the hydro shop) to run every 2-3days and thatwill kill the mildew, i dont know what dead mildew looks like, so this weekend ima wipe off the leave's, ill run the burner tonight for the last time around 1 & 1/2 hours, ad it should be cool.....

my ph is around 6.2-6.5 and my ppm is around 1350-1500, i try and not go over 1500..

where can i get those mosquito dunks @ ?home depot or lowes?


Well-Known Member
i have the mildew in the lil room cause , well i think its cause of the humity, you can see theres hella plants cramped into a small area, next time ima keep it to 16-20 under each 1000.. so next time that wount happen....

i run the sulfur burner every 2-3 days and ive ran it like 3 times so far ,(they say @ the hydro shop) to run every 2-3days and thatwill kill the mildew, i dont know what dead mildew looks like, so this weekend ima wipe off the leave's, ill run the burner tonight for the last time around 1 & 1/2 hours, ad it should be cool.....

my ph is around 6.2-6.5 and my ppm is around 1350-1500, i try and not go over 1500..

where can i get those mosquito dunks @ ?home depot or lowes?

dead mildew turns brown.