i think the danger is past whatever it is. they don't look so bad anyways. the buds look fine... only some of the fan type leaves look that crispy.
trim dem biatches up and show some macros.
oh, and, i've seen pictures where they have like a marijuana garden and then some naked lady in among the plants... so thats just a thought... that i thought i would throw out there

i cut all my veg off anyway by day 40, and still get 1 dry oz per gal. container.heres pics of proof in 2 gal. containers.jus passin by.,,i'll remove if you wnt me to.Natmoon and mysef started this method and to be more affective and comp. to a finished leafy bud.and the blue kush in my avitar( 2004 bluemoonshine).later gotta go fget some more lenses for this Nikon,dont know wy i waited so long to get one ,the growers benafits,lolol.Dont listen to most shit on here , most dont even have one to 4 grows on thier belt and thier givin advise wen they shood jus listen and learn,lolol.i'm an ole schooler out of the Led Zepplin and blak sabbath era,lol. you look like a pro though so . be careful who you listen to.i first read ed rosenthals books on The indoor grower and the closet crop.read them both before i even bot a lite in 2000, then i got all my genetics from marc emery,AAhh the good ole days in cannabis culture mag, killer selection. had all the kushes , in 4 colors,lolol.i still think the #1 Afghani(couchlok) is the best plant . also bro if you want super resin and weight production in those las 10 days , including the extra week. go get you a gallon of sugar daddy and use at max dosage at 7 tsp and water only ,lolololol, and your buds will all strt reflowering all over again like that bottom left pic of plant producing real flower flowers like i never seen , they harvested rok hard crystalized not sticky like the third pic here., they had actually turned that super carb boost in to sugars wile it was still in the ground and shrunk only 20% wen drying.the third pic is a closeup of proof.been using the same pots for 9 yrs,lolol, 1 gram per day extra dry per plant avg. one flush before harvest, harvest wen container is near dry , then i make me THC ball with al the pieces scrape thc and thick glue all over the metal containers ,,i am crazy,hahaha.,,,,here i am jabberin.sorry.