nooob with a problem


Well-Known Member
it looks like what happned to my plants just a more mild virsion looks like to much direct heat but i am no pro


Well-Known Member
it could be from stress, not over heating or nute burn but just being stressed. like toughed several times a day, moved around or things changing. i find its easier to find causes and solutions to plant problems when you exclude marijuana from the search. regular plants have the same problems, and sites about regular plants dont have (so many) stoned people contradicting each other


Well-Known Member
hey guys new here....i looked at all the diff pix on this site and am having an issue with diagnosing the problem.. this is the diesel strain about 4 weeks into flowering. i water every 3 days and there under a 1000w light with climate control keeping it a kool 78 degrees... last week the ac went out and i had to run a fan and hope for the best for a week. the fan also caused my fixture to sway around hitting the wall and taking out my 650 w light. ive used this 1000 watt light before and had no problems with it and i moved it up away from my babys so as not to burn... so looking at the pix do you guys think this is heat or chemical related issue? It is not related to heat, which is good. This is definately a nutrient issue and more specifically a deficiency. To correct, first off give a good flush if you havent already. Directly after the flush (the soil will be soaked, but it is okay) feed them a 1/2 dose of your veg formula and a 1/2 dose of your flower formula. This will give them all their required nutrients and get them back inline. It will take some time to see them get right. or is the normal yellowing your sposed to see near the end of flowering? This is too soon for them to be eating themselves alive. Their nugs are not clsoe enough to size or ripeness to not be getting their basic needs met, you have a bit of time left. When there is a plant issue they get well sort of retarded in progressive development. i hope not because the flowers are pretty dinky.... You are dead on in your thinking here. also do you guys think that they have been over pruned? Yes they are over trimmed, which is perhaps one of the reasons the nugs are a bit behind for their age, well and combined with the nutrient issue. What you have pruned off is their fan/sun leaves. These are the leaves that absorb and process light, oxygen, and co2.

As far as what your plant appears to be lacking, it looks like a few vitals: n,p,k, cal, and mag. Hope this helps you out. :peace::hug:


Well-Known Member
it could be from stress, not over heating or nute burn but just being stressed. like toughed several times a day, moved around or things changing. i find its easier to find causes and solutions to plant problems when you exclude marijuana from the search. regular plants have the same problems, and sites about regular plants dont have (so many) stoned people contradicting each other
stoned people here at


Well-Known Member
hey guys new here....i looked at all the diff pix on this site and am having an issue with diagnosing the problem.. this is the diesel strain about 4 weeks into flowering. i water every 3 days and there under a 1000w light with climate control keeping it a kool 78 degrees... last week the ac went out and i had to run a fan and hope for the best for a week. the fan also caused my fixture to sway around hitting the wall and taking out my 650 w light. ive used this 1000 watt light before and had no problems with it and i moved it up away from my babys so as not to burn... so looking at the pix do you guys think this is heat or chemical related issue? It is not related to heat, which is good. This is definately a nutrient issue and more specifically a deficiency. To correct, first off give a good flush if you havent already. Directly after the flush (the soil will be soaked, but it is okay) feed them a 1/2 dose of your veg formula and a 1/2 dose of your flower formula. This will give them all their required nutrients and get them back inline. It will take some time to see them get right. or is the normal yellowing your sposed to see near the end of flowering? This is too soon for them to be eating themselves alive. Their nugs are not clsoe enough to size or ripeness to not be getting their basic needs met, you have a bit of time left. When there is a plant issue they get well sort of retarded in progressive development. i hope not because the flowers are pretty dinky.... You are dead on in your thinking here. also do you guys think that they have been over pruned? Yes they are over trimmed, which is perhaps one of the reasons the nugs are a bit behind for their age, well and combined with the nutrient issue. What you have pruned off is their fan/sun leaves. These are the leaves that absorb and process light, oxygen, and co2.

As far as what your plant appears to be lacking, it looks like a few vitals: n,p,k, cal, and mag. Hope this helps you out. :peace::hug:
Now thats the kind of reply i am used to getting at rollitup......thanks bro.....his buddy keeps trimming the fan leaves off.....i told him to cut the guys fingers off if he picks up the scissors


Well-Known Member
Now thats the kind of reply i am used to getting at rollitup......thanks bro.....his buddy keeps trimming the fan leaves off.....i told him to cut the guys fingers off if he picks up the scissors
No shit. I mean I understand the reasoning behind cutting the fans off, allowing the light to penetrate to lower nugs, but the fans process light, so they are needed. Ya know he'd be better off, if he's a trim freak, trimming the roots buds like it. :peace:

I have noticed that a lower nug does not have to actually see a single ray of light to get dank, frosty, and done because those fans are simply a miracle of nature.

But at this point he only has what he has to work with, so he;ll just have to tack some time on at the end to get her all the way home.


Well-Known Member
you hear that just added a month to you harvest date by letting Edward scissor hands near your
yes thank you very very much brasmith....what products would you suggest to bring up the nutes that are defficiant? ive flushed them allready and was going to go back to my pro-bloom/sweet(for cal-mag)/and beastie blooms at about half strenght but im guessing that that wont help with the wondering why go back to half the dose of the same food if they caused a defficiancy? the last grow turned out somewhat similar but worse so im curious to fix it. cant afford these huge powerbills and still pay for my smoke. i have a partner in all this and hes clipper happy...i keep telling him hes i got proof.


Well-Known Member
ok do this n u shud b ok..

1st. Do not use nuets for a week .. week and a half.. jsut water..

2nd. simply put ur hand over the top of ur plant, and lv it there for a minute or so.. if its uncomfortable..then move light higher up.. or tie plant down.

3rd. IT REALLLY HELPS... if you put a fan Directly next to the bulb moving that heat away... the best way i wud suggest is find a way to suspend the fan in the air..

4th. TLC man... these things will bounce back..... they are a VERY resilant plant.. they have been around alot longer then u or me, and will continue to flourish after we are all long gone(if we dont blow up the world)


Well-Known Member
Im new and i dont know if i would listen to a person with six months experience
but id say nute burn because of location of ills
if burns would be closer to top of plant U think

some dont give you support for their thoughts
see with so much contradiction here you must collect data make decision yourself basad on data collected this is how i figure it to work
and its what works for me

one says black one says white the third says gray take out he high and the low and......

no bottom line one million was to do same thing and each person says their way is only way

if you give your response and support it or back it up where its not just an opinion i might try what you suggest if it makes sense to me you feel me if i belive in it and try it if it kills my plant it is my fault not the guy i believed in i made final decision you feel me

luck to you my brother
im out


Well-Known Member

next, do you have a ppm meter? if so what are you feeding at?

the problem here is that half are saying nute burn and the other half are saying N def. well if your wrong about which it is and correct wrong you will make the problem exponentially worse.

depending on the N levels of your nutes what you are seeing could already be the leaves getting the N sucked out of them. this is not a natural life process of the MJ plant contrary to popular belief, it is due to low N levels in many flowering nutes. if your sure this is the problem adding a little bit of yoru veg nutes to yoru flowering nutes will correct the problem.

if nute burn is your problem then you need to feed at 50% for awhile. i do not recomend flushing with straight water.

and for future reference, dont put your pics next to each other like that. it make your post hard to read and will get it skipped over by many members. hell i skipped over it...the only reason i came back is because someone asked me to.


Active Member
First piece of advice I would give to you would be too buy a PH meter. I am quite new to growing myself, but I do wonder how have you managed to grow so far with out one? You seem to be adding a lot of nutes to you plants, but not testing the PH of your solution?. It would lead me to think that you have a ph/burn problem.

Have you tested the run off of your pots, this should be around 6.5?.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies guys.....this is the rollitup in know
johnny- your running hydro right? youve got all the neccessary meters and shit right? it would be a huge help in diagnosing this if you could go see exactly what hes giving these ladies(ppm?ph?)
johnny- your running hydro right? youve got all the neccessary meters and shit right? it would be a huge help in diagnosing this if you could go see exactly what hes giving these ladies(ppm?ph?)

i think he sold his setup but that will be my next buy this week then........thank you very much guys! ill keep you posted


Well-Known Member
yes thank you very very much brasmith....You are welcome anytime. what products would you suggest to bring up the nutes that are defficiant? You should be able to use your basic feeding programs such as your grow and bloom. Both should have the basic nutrients. Are you by any chance using 1 part programs? If so for both grow and bloom? If you are those 1 part systems often do not have enough micro and macro nutrients for the plants. A good supplimental program that you can add is calmag from Botanicare, it is great. There are several fellow growers here that suppliment with this product regularly with excellent results, I use it as well and love it for the plants because I also use 1 part systems by Advanced Nutrients, Iguana Juice. ive flushed them allready and was going to go back to my pro-bloom/sweet(for cal-mag)/and beastie blooms at about half strenght but im guessing that that wont help with the wondering why go back to half the dose of the same food if they caused a defficiancy? If you are using a 1 part nutrient then it is very likely that's where the deficiency began however, I think that was casued by something else like ph or a possible salts build up in the soil. The flushing can only help the problem. Even during a deficiency a flush cleans your soil and balances the ph so you can start fresh from the beggining with a fresh feeding. the last grow turned out somewhat similar but worse so im curious to fix it. cant afford these huge powerbills and still pay for my smoke. i have a partner in all this and hes clipper happy...i keep telling him hes i got proof.

I am growing with someone else right now as well, my uncle and he never touches the plants, ONLY ME!! ITS THE RULE!! I let him look and sniff that is it. We are both legal, he provides to place to grow, i do the growing, he pays the electric, and we split dry weight 50/50. See if you 2 can work something similar out, it is called 'division of labor'


Well-Known Member
johnny- your running hydro right? youve got all the neccessary meters and shit right? it would be a huge help in diagnosing this if you could go see exactly what hes giving these ladies(ppm?ph?)
no hydro....i believe he is using 3 gallon experience is with hydro systems so a soil grow has me at a disadvantage for offering advice


Well-Known Member
no hydro....i believe he is using 3 gallon experience is with hydro systems so a soil grow has me at a disadvantage for offering advice
I think Slik was asking you to go dip your stick in your buddy's soil.....can you dip your stick in his soil?


Well-Known Member
I will be honest. I looked at the first page, and the last page on this one.

Did we already check the PH of the runoff from the soil? I'd be willing to be tthat's not in range, but not bet a lot.

It looks like what is happening is overfeeding. Not drastic, just a wee bit too much. How often are they being fed and with how much of what?

If I had to guess, which it would be a guess because I'm not growing these plants and have limited knowledge of the nutrient plan, the environment etc. I would say that you have a buildup of nutrients in the soil. Probably feeding nutrients at every watering instead of every other watering or on a feed-feed-water-water basis.

I wouldn't flush them as that's a drastic move. Feed with plain PH adjusted water. Need to know what the ph of your runoff is before you can adjuste the ph of the water so keep that in mind.

If you have a buildup in your soil (caused by plants drinking more water and taking up less nutrients) this will resolve it.

It's not a Nitrogen defeciency so you can stop all that nonsense right now. It's either PH off or buildup in the soil or more than likely both. The buildup of nutrients probably has your ph around 4.5-5.0 for the runoff...