Noobs First Grow, Constructive Critizism Welcome


Active Member
what are you gonna use for veg? light wise
lookin good man
For veg I'm using a pair of 45w 6500k CFLs
And for Flower I'll be swapping for a pair of 65w 2700k CFLs
Got them off ebay from a seller called Green Lamp :).

Oh and can someone please shed some light on what 12/12 means..etc :p
18/6 and 12/12 are different light patterns, the first number is the amount of light per day and the second is the amount of darkness.
18/6 at first for veg growth (simulates the long, hot, bright days of summer) & 12/12 for flowering (the cooler shorter days of autumn/fall)


Active Member
I would germ in a papertowle and then get some 27 watt + cfl in the 5000k-6500k for veg. Keep them within 3 in and move closer each day to not burn your plants.


Active Member
Day 10 now, think I'm going to start 12/12 on day 14. Not much else to update about.

Just wondering what is the best way to flip the light from veg to flowering? should I do it as a gradual thing or just change straight from 18/6 to 12/12 or should I give them a full 24h of dark to kick them into it?
From what i read it is up to the grower. Myself i would just switch it should see sex in 2 weeks. you can give'um 24 hr dark but think that is for more root growth. i want to flower with ya so we can compare(as if my bagseeds would be a match for your girls).
how tall are they ? I am thinking about topping or fimming to kinda increase yield . doing some reading on it and waiting for some exp. grower to give opions on my thread (link in sig).


Active Member
Damn bro taller and bushier then mine I really need to get sme good seeds. To bad I am broke as a joke. Love watching your grow just like I like watching mine.


Active Member
Wold there be a way to know the CO2 levels before and after your method? wouldn't happen to have a detector in there by any chance ? :) gl
No i don't have any way of detecting CO2 levels aside from smelling the exhaust fan, if it smells of brewing then its working, if not then it needs more sugar and a bit of a shake up.


Well-Known Member
They're growing pretty good, but it looks like you're exhibiting slight leaf deformity.

I've seen that before in soil grows, but as I'm strictly hydro, I'm not sure what it is. It has to be a deficiency of some sort, tho.

Experienced soil growers? Some help please?

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
They're growing pretty good, but it looks like you're exhibiting slight leaf deformity.

I've seen that before in soil grows, but as I'm strictly hydro, I'm not sure what it is. It has to be a deficiency of some sort, tho.

Experienced soil growers? Some help please?
After I sprayed Azatrol on my babies some of the plants got a little distorted. It seemed to do it worse on the strain NoName than my others. It took them a few weeks to grow out of the deformation stage.


Active Member
They're growing pretty good, but it looks like you're exhibiting slight leaf deformity.
Yeah I'm putting this down to the nutes in the potting soil, It only seems to have effected the first couple of nodes, when she wasn't old enough to handle her nutes :)

So last night, a couple of hours before lights out I decided to get some snips out and FIM them. I also got my bag ties and set up a bit of LST.

Pics taken this morning.



Well-Known Member
The new growth is looking better. Hopefully they will just outgrow it. Looks like they're starting to.

Break a leg, or in our case, break a branch?


Active Member
I just cant decide whether to flip them yet. It's day 14 today.

As I just FIM'd them the other day I think I should wait till that grows out before flipping them.


Active Member
I just cant decide whether to flip them yet. It's day 14 today.

As I just FIM'd them the other day I think I should wait till that grows out before flipping them.
Definitely wait. Most people will tell you 2 weeks after fim, though, I would look at the growth and how it progresses.

The first few days might depress you, fimming almost puts it in slow-mo for a few days


Active Member
Just checked on them this morning and the soil is looking dry, I'm off to work in half an hour so they'll have to wait till later for food. Hopefully they will explode in the next couple of days :)