noobie in need of your help


Ok guys great to be apart of this forum and thank you for taking time to come to mt thread

This is going to be my first grow and my budget is 400$ on a grow system for 8plants. And I got many stuff that I need already but I want to see what changes I should make to make my setup more efficient and better for my first grow

I got 12 buck 8 for planets that will go threw the veg and flower stages and 4 that ill use for clones the room will be a 6x10 shed outside the room will be painted flat white and covered with mylar I will have a light fixture 8 feet long with 2 cool white fluorescent lights and 2 warm white fluorescent lights im also getting a inline fan for when it start getting smelly with a carbon filter and I dont know what fans I need to circulate the air and what kinda of systen should I need to bring in air from the outside the water system will be a 10gallon container with a bubbler in in but idk what kind of pump I need to get water to the 8 plants growing and idk what nutes I need as you guys can see I need quite a bit of help


Well-Known Member
I think you may want to consider soil for your first grow. Start up costs are lower and it is much more forgiving than hydro (DWC). You can also get away with not having things like a TDS(PPM) meter and use fewer added nutrients. Once you buy your light and fans and do everything to make sure your shed is light tight you will have burned through a good amount of that $400.

Why are you painting it white then using mylar? You only need to do one or the other unless I am not understanding correctly.

Also, can you give more details on the lighting you are planning on using? 4x8' bulbs will not be enough for a 6x10 space, someone with experience with flouro may be able to provide some guidance.


Well-Known Member
like hbbum said just start with soil hydro could be a pita especially if you don't know what your doing if you get a deficiency/toxisity soil will give you time to trouble shoot and fix the issue hydro you have about 5 hours to fix it in some ways hydro is like obama care either you get better or you die

i would suggest getting a starter kit like
at the bottom where you have a choice what to get for nutrients pick the foxfarm trio instead of budda nutrients and get the ocean forest soil or just get bricks of coco(thats what i would do)


Its my first time grow and I will be at home 24/7 so I xan correct any problems that occure and I would prefer to go hydro because of price I can sale it at to keep myself to be able to smoke my product for as long as I can and yes the lights are 4x8 fluorescent lights I just need advise on what pump I need to use to pump water from my revoir of phed nutrition filled bucket to the plants and how long/often should I water and I dont want to do soil plants because they dont sale for as much as the hydroponic ones for a couple of grams sold I can pay my rent/light water bill and not deal with it for anoter month also I need to know what I need ima have 2 planet side by side 1foot apart

Royal Blue

Active Member
You can grow amazing herb in soil so i dont know who
or what gave you the impression that you can not and if
all you care about is making money and no passion then
it might be harder for you to accomplish your goals
i don't know about others but i learn allot quicker and
retain more information when I'm learning something I'm
passionate about.


Well-Known Member
Spex420 how many plants can be grown under that setup
12 but first your first grow i don't advise it 12 plants can be alot of work they're like kids in a way each with their own set of problems and needs depending on strain start with 3-5

i strongly recommend soil there's so many things that can go wrong with hydro i can't even begin to explain but its entirely up to you can't say i didn't warn you

one of the major issues with hydro you'll need to keep your res temps below 75 or you'll be running into more problems faster then you can fix them if you are dead set on hydro i would try dwc/deep water culture, all you need is a few net pots a bucket or a tote read

with the starter kit i linked. 5 plants you could easily harvest a half pound in soil your first grow if you do go hydro you may, more then likely not even make it to harvest in your first couple attempts but hell what do i know iv only been growing for half my life...

next you'll need some seeds i recommend they ship to u.s without problems been ordering from them for years bubblelicious is my favorite strain, ice is a high yeilder same with northern lights, PPP. white rhino or haze if you want something that will knock your socks off i prefer indica over sativa but hey to each his own just get feminized seeds for a couple extra bucks you double your chances of getting a female there's nothing more disappointing then having to euthanize a beautiful plant just because its male
Edit: nirvana seeds is having a awesome sale atm on most of their fems raspberry cough is 25% off

i wish best of luck to you sir stay high:bigjoint:

my current soil grow bubblelicious day 50 flower
View attachment 2728719


Im not looking for money im looking into paying my 300 $ rent and 100 $light and 20-30wateer bills and after that its mine all mine!!^.^ I just want to make it threw so I can have my own little grow and I want just 8 plants and im still doing research on it all but we will see and how much of a yeild you got on the bub that looks sick


Well-Known Member
Im not looking for money im looking into paying my 300 $ rent and 100 $light and 20-30wateer bills and after that its mine all mine!!^.^ I just want to make it threw so I can have my own little grow and I want just 8 plants and im still doing research on it all but we will see and how much of a yeild you got on the bub that looks sick
i didnt veg her as long as i wanted but i'll probably get about 3 to 3 1/2 oz give or take


Ok spex420 I will be changing s few things in my setup but I wont change my hydroponic way I will be posting a new thread on my setup im changing to and I would like for your input on it and give me tips and advise if you can/want I am taking in all info that is being given to me and changing my setup I have about 12 days to get my setup I want to start the first of next month and start a journal for all to see my first grow