noobie 1st grow, constructive criticism welcome!


Active Member
gday guys!
well its my first grow atm, they are still seeds so i dont know if its to early to start a journal but hey i wanted to document the whole thing,
now first off is i dont smoke, yes it might seem weird that i dont smoke yet i am growing ganja, but i just wanted to see how it grows lol

first up its just under a small desklight that i modded to have a little fluro on as well (i know its not good enough but i'll deal with that when i have the cash to),
i also only have 2 pots and 9 seeds i dont plan on growing them till flowing but who knows how it will go, so i will run out of room, but i'll deal with that when the time comes

also working on a box to, but all is a working progress,

i dont know if the seeds need to have light but its on them anyway, im gonna do 12hours at night with the light on them, then 12 hours of day with the sun on them so a 24 hour light system, once i get my real lights then they will be indoors 24hrs with light to suit.

the soil is just a seed raising mix i got from the local nursury, i have a ph test kit that i will do in the next few days as well.

so here are some piccys!! (the sticks are so i can tell where they are lol)

