Noob with germi problems. HELP!


Active Member

This is my first time growing and i'm having problems germinating some seeds i bought (from a legit shop).

I have now had the seeds (5) in a moist paper towel in the airing cupboard for 6 days and only one has cracked. After reading these forums i have removed the remaining 4 seeds from the paper towel and dropped them in a cup of water in the hope this will bring on germination. Opinions??

Am i doing something wrong? I spent a lot of money on these seeds and was expecting more than 1 to germinate.



Well-Known Member
some people give them a *gentle* squeeze along the "Seam/edge"with some some seeds shells are hard for tthe seed to pop.
Give it a try, just dont squish too hard or you'll smoosh the seed or fire it acrooss the room..

Another trick i've geard of people doin is puttin seeds in a matchbox that has some sandpaper in the bottom, and give it a rattle.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
I dont know about squeezing a germinating seed, but it might work...... do you have something keeping the seeds slightly warm, also paper towell in a sealed bag helps for me, soak in water before you put in the paper towell.


Well-Known Member
I always soak in water for a day or less then put them in the moist paper towel in a zip-loc bagie. I check them every day and put the faucet on a drizzle and run the paper towel under for a second. It works great for me....the only problem I've ever had is not checking them often enough and the taproot gets too long and curls in a circle...which when planted usualy makes the roots grow upward with the good.


Well-Known Member
take some seeds put iin a paper towle now not meny peole think of this but put the paper towle in a jar or container so that it dose not dry if they dry after starting 2 crack they will die u want 2 keep the moisure in the container i put my seeds into pete pellets water the shit out of it and put it pelets in a greenhouse dome for pete sacks i have 100% seed sprout streek so far knock on wood and its because i am keeping the moisture in the dome and also u need it 2 be warm like at least 24C witch is around 72F so moisture+warmth=sprouts


Well-Known Member
i just put them in the soil and let them do their thing broth. Just keep the soil moist and the seed 1/4 inch buried. 6 out of 6 sprouted for me. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
take some seeds put iin a paper towle now not meny peole think of this but put the paper towle in a jar or container so that it dose not dry if they dry after starting 2 crack they will die u want 2 keep the moisure in the container i put my seeds into pete pellets water the shit out of it and put it pelets in a greenhouse dome for pete sacks i have 100% seed sprout streek so far knock on wood and its because i am keeping the moisture in the dome and also u need it 2 be warm like at least 24C witch is around 72F so moisture+warmth=sprouts

Yes moisture and warmth are what its all about. I came up with a good way for warmth instead of a heating pad. I have some cabinets above my refridgerator. I just put my bagie in there and the heat from the fridge motor rises upwards onto the bottom of the cabinets and it keeps it perfect. 100% germ rate too


Well-Known Member
I just dropped mine in a glass of water and placed it in the cupboard and they all popped within 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
I always soak in water for a day or less then put them in the moist paper towel in a zip-loc bagie. I check them every day and put the faucet on a drizzle and run the paper towel under for a second. It works great for me....the only problem I've ever had is not checking them often enough and the taproot gets too long and curls in a circle...which when planted usualy makes the roots grow upward with the good.
This is how I germinate also (though i rarely have to remoisten).

Specifically i fold up a few paper towels, wet them with a sprayer using distilled water and a touch of FloraKleen and BioBizz RootJuice mixed in. Seal them in a zip-lock bag and put on top of my PC tower (dark and warm). Usually within 24hrs. 99% of the seeds pop open which i plant immediately.



Active Member
another thing you can do is scratch them a little put some sand paper in a matchbox and shake the around that seems to help with stubborn seeds. :joint:


Well-Known Member
This is how I germinate also (though i rarely have to remoisten).

Specifically i fold up a few paper towels, wet them with a sprayer using distilled water and a touch of FloraKleen and BioBizz RootJuice mixed in. Seal them in a zip-lock bag and put on top of my PC tower (dark and warm). Usually within 24hrs. 99% of the seeds pop open which i plant immediately.
See... I thought you could put something in there to help things out when germing like rootjuice, but my hydro shop guys said I shouldn't. Although they may not know I'm growing weed.....but they sure do always look high.


Well-Known Member
See... I thought you could put something in there to help things out when germing like rootjuice, but my hydro shop guys said I shouldn't. Although they may not know I'm growing weed.....but they sure do always look high.
For all i know it is stunting their growth! I do a lot of things that go against conventional advice. When I give advice it is usually conventional so this is one of those cases of do as i say - not as i do.

If you decide to put additives on seeds/seedlings do so at your own risk -or at least don't blame me if something goes wrong :-)


Well-Known Member
i usually just put em in a small pot that will be their first home, water the compost a lil, cover the seed over so ya can just see it thru the soil, and cover with shrink wrap, open it a coupla times each day to let some fresh air in, and stick it somewhere that has CONSTANT temp.. i think its something like 21 degrees for ideal temps.


Well-Known Member
it will work with out root juice just use the paper towel method sometimes it takes longer then 24 hours,another method is get a shotglass full of water put the seeds in there cover it with a coffee cup or something sim. put in a dark warm place and when the seed sinks its ready and this method does work i have used it before but normally do papertowel