Noob to Outdoor Growing Help with Seed Selection Please

I live in a northern climate . Less than 100 miles south of canada on the eastern side of the US. I have white widow, ak 48, jock horror, blackberry,and aurora indica seeds. Please help me with the choice of seed that will reach full maturity befor the weather turns too cold here. That time is usually early october. I can start indoors anytime but cant put them outside untill june.


Well-Known Member
lol you sound slightly close to where I live, im in canada in novaa scotia, and im gonna throw out a wild guess and say your over in maine? sounds like the climate. You say you have all of those seeds in your pocession right now? Id go ahead and start them all, if you dont want to start that many just start a couple or few seeds of each strain. Its always a treat during harvest to be able to swap up the bud your smoking, change is always nice. Most of the strains you mentioned I know only have about an 8 week flowering period which is good for you. hope that helps happy toking
going with white widow becouse I already had clones started. I am also curbing my bet with AK 48 that I let go to seed and am interested to see how good the smoke will be .Original ak was primo. I am going to cross my white widow with the Ak 48 and test the seed over the winter indoors. Thanks for the help with seed selection. Stonerman I am a few states away from main but you are in the right area.