NOOB TIP of the day...


Well-Known Member
Hey there all you new and excited growers, CannaBoss here!

Here's a tip for you that is sure to increase your yields...

It's called "Lollypopping" your plant. This technique is better suited for plants that are allowed to grow fairly tall in veg. I go at least 24'' in my veg cycle.
Once I achieve my desired height, I cut the smaller/ less-producing stalks off(use as clones if desired) to almost half way up. This forces the maximum growth to the tops. I wait at least 7 days to put into flowering so the plant can recover from any shock it may have endured. All the little shoots that would produce the small worthless buds are now gone, so think of it this way, hypotheticaly ... The plant is pre-destined to grow only a certain amount of bud determined by its' height and strain.say a 24'' plant will grow 5 oz. Do you want the 5 oz. of buds scattered, or condensed into 4 or 5 big buds?
When I first tried this, I was worried I wasn't going to get as much bud as if I just let it go. Not the case. This is a technique used by Arjan "the King of Cannabis" and Remo from Advanced Nutrients. You can see his growshow called the Urban Grower. Urban Grower | Advanced Nutrients Medical | Medicinal Marijuana Cultivation Information The first pic could have been cut even more on the bottom, but you can see the 12'' of no stalks. Good Luck, and Happy Growing!



Well-Known Member
Nice post, and picks!! This round I took off about 4 branches each plant, I felt strange about taking more! So I will be seeing the end result in about 4-5 weeks. But from what you have posted, I may trim up a bit further on the batch the is about to go into flower..


Well-Known Member
Nice post, and picks!! This round I took off about 4 branches each plant, I felt strange about taking more! So I will be seeing the end result in about 4-5 weeks. But from what you have posted, I may trim up a bit further on the batch the is about to go into flower..
Thanks, yeah just give them some time to recoop. and they should do great.


Well-Known Member
Just give them about a week hu? I trimmed mine the first day in the flower room, I don't know where I read to trim at that time, but I had read that at some point. Cutting them at that time did not stunt them at all! They took off just like normal..I will trim the veg plants today, and give that a try. I am sure all strains are different, and there is many variables..Thanks for the link also, I have been watching vids for an hour now! There is some interesting stuff on his page..Hey what do you think of Advanced Nutrients? Any experience?


Well-Known Member
THANKS for this tip. It makes perfect sense as I have done similar for ohter types of plants. I am going to try this on at least half of my first grow plants.


Well-Known Member
Just give them about a week hu? I trimmed mine the first day in the flower room, I don't know where I read to trim at that time, but I had read that at some point. Cutting them at that time did not stunt them at all! They took off just like normal..I will trim the veg plants today, and give that a try. I am sure all strains are different, and there is many variables..Thanks for the link also, I have been watching vids for an hour now! There is some interesting stuff on his page..Hey what do you think of Advanced Nutrients? Any experience?
You can cut in flower, but I like to alleviate any stress in the beginning stages.
I use the entire line of A.N.
Sensi Grow and Bloom 2 part. 2plus system. it really works well.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I use 5 gallon containers. I would like to use 25 gal. if I could afford the soil and had the space.
Why do you say that? Is it becasue you feel the plant would benefit from extra root growth room? More water retetion reserve? Else? Thanks, I ask because I am deliberating pot size right now.


Well-Known Member
Why do you say that? Is it becasue you feel the plant would benefit from extra root growth room? More water retetion reserve? Else? Thanks, I ask because I am deliberating pot size right now.
Well what I'm saying is...
I would rather grow a LARGE plant (6-8 ft.)in a large container because roots like to go down and out. If I had an indoor grow with say a 10ft. ceiling.
But for all practical purposes 5 or 7 gallon would do you just fine. Some strains will give you and ounce of bud per gallon of soil.


Well-Known Member
Are you kidding me? I've seen women's thighs smaller than that one bud? Wow!
Yeah no shit huh? That vid blew me away the first time I saw it. I'm thinking to myself, " Dad always said...If you know someone who has something that you want too, you gotta do what they did to get it."
Like the great Ron Burgundy said..."when in Rome"


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Cannaboss I have couple question on this topic. I usuallu top my plants would this be a bad idea to top the plant let them re start the 2 colas then trim back lower branches like this? Also do you have any pictures of a plant right before you trim it and right after trimming it back.Most of my plants (indicas) seem to have 6-8 main stalks all grow up to a single height and produce 6-8 main large colas similar to the colas in the picture with 2 being that large and the others running about 1.2 each large nugs.Thanks


Well-Known Member
Cannaboss I have couple question on this topic. I usuallu top my plants would this be a bad idea to top the plant let them re start the 2 colas then trim back lower branches like this? Also do you have any pictures of a plant right before you trim it and right after trimming it back.Most of my plants (indicas) seem to have 6-8 main stalks all grow up to a single height and produce 6-8 main large colas similar to the colas in the picture with 2 being that large and the others running about 1.2 each large nugs.Thanks
Hey FF, like the new avatar but the banana girl killed me everytime.:mrgreen:

I like to think topping is strain specific, but from my experience, it has only been beneficial to do both. Also as long as you let it kick into growth again before you flower it. I don't have pics of pre-cut plants but I can show you some of the next batch, they are both "topped and lollypopped"
Hey that's my new grow-motto.

I need to get a new usb chord for my camera,as my puppy chewed my only one.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
lol I feel ya I adopted a new 6 year old german shepard last month and its like a puppy he eats anything reachable and pees on my chair basterd lol.Yeah if you think about it next round grab some flicks of before and right after wanna see what I should be looking at.Im bored today so gonna go do my daily on the aero setup and then think Im gonna make a 30 minute 6 site aero tub for a tutorial and toss some F! bb in it and put them under 2 300 watt cfls for a fun and keep some log of it for future arguements of why hps lights will out grow cfls lol.May make another clone bucket for tutorial since thos take all of 3 minutes to make and 30 bucks lol.Nice looking buds.My issue always comes if I dont top out at finish heights around 3 feet in my aero 3inch net pots a get fall over and have to use a wall mounted string grid which is just a pain to move around.I still got bananna girl around lol