Noob Setup


Well-Known Member
so of the 11 cups, that i have planted, i put 5 sittin 1/4 of an inch water ( holes at bottom of cups) is this a bad thing ? is the soil going to soak up the water to the top ?


the soil will slowly wick up some of the water, but i wouldnt leave it there, why not just water from the top?


Well-Known Member
To thrive your roots need access to oxygen just as much as water. For this reason it is necessary that you adhere to a wet-dry watering cycle:

Day 1: Water from top allowing a run-off from the drainage holes.
Day 2: Let dry
Day 3: Let dry
Day 4: Check and water if top few inches dry, not moist!

Do this and you won't risk overwatering or root rot. Both of which can be fatal to your plants. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
ya, i donno , lol it was like 4:20 in the morning, i was thinkin straight haha, it was a retarded idea .. after 30 mins the soil was soaked 2 inches from the top ... i do normally spray from the top i jus wanted a more simple method as im watering 3 ... sometimes even 4 times a day and i hate having to keep goin back every 4 hours or so to do it