noob question?

my plant is a week old. ive had the lights on 24/0, im trying to get this grow finished as quick as possible. if i put my lighting on 12/12 will it speed up the process?


Well-Known Member
yes, you can begin 12/12 whenever you want. But don't expect a high yield unless you veg for at least 1 month. The real question is, is it even worth growing mj for 2 months if you only get 1 blunt out of it lol


Your plant needs more than a week for vegetative growth. Switching it to 12/12 early when there are isn't a good root system, strong branches, or enough sets will yield little to no amount of low quality buds. Part of growing is being patient. If you choose to put it directly into 12/12 as of now, you will still require 6-10 weeks of flowering.

Forgive me if I'm nosy, but what is the reason for the rush? If you require the grow to finish at around the 3 month mark then I suggest you to not grow at all and wait for a better time.


Well-Known Member
i guess it depends how much you smoke, and stuff like that. i started my plants after 22 days of vegging and im sure ill get at least half an ounce per. but i only did that because im still pretty new and have very bad patience. next time around im going to grow a couple of monsters. not really worth it to sit there want wait 3 months just for an ounce of weed.


Well-Known Member
I know what it's like to be impatient, but it's a very bad thing when it comes to growing. more patience = more buds
12/12 will induce flowering,u wanna wait till your plants are around 12 inches or so or when your branches are alternating(not growing in twos b4 you go to 12/12.also im a lil new too but i suggest letting your plants rest for at least one hour ive heard lots of ppl using 24/0 but the way i see it plants need night just like they need sun.the sun dont stay on this side of the planet all the time


Well-Known Member
Some people go to 12/12 strait from seed... but mostly they are doing sea of green with like 20 plants. Growing is kinda a lot of work... you really don't want to go through it all for an eighth or a quarter... save yourself a headache and buy a quarter.

Even if you veg the thing for a week or two extra you will see big returns.

And I agree about givnig he girls even 1 hr break a day... let's them rest. Plus it lets your lights get a break. I've read roots grow mostly at night.
well im 17, and i live at home with both my parents. so im trying to get it done quick cause it kinda makes me nervous thinking about if they c it.


Well-Known Member
well im 17, and i live at home with both my parents. so im trying to get it done quick cause it kinda makes me nervous thinking about if they c it.
OOOOOOHHHHHHH.... youre supposed to be 18 to be on this site.

Plus man... you don't think your parents are going to smell that shit.

I would think twice about this. Don't you want your parents on your side to help you put down a deposit when you move out... or would you rather just have them kick your ass out for growing in their place.
true true, but the only time they go in the basement is in the winter, so i dont think they will smell it. cause it should b done by winter, and yes i have thought twice about growing but, when i found this site it just really motivated me to grow because of how awesome it is. lol


Well-Known Member
true true, but the only time they go in the basement is in the winter, so i dont think they will smell it. cause it should b done by winter, and yes i have thought twice about growing but, when i found this site it just really motivated me to grow because of how awesome it is. lol
You know your parents better than I do, but mine would not have handled it well it I pulled that.

One thing to think about too is that you should have a fan on all the time... and you are going to have to go down there to check on it alot.

Also, you might get unlucky and get a stinker of a plat that they will be able to smell from their 3rd story bedroom. Then it's off to the basement to see where the skunk got in and where it died.

I'm not trying to knock your plan, but growing takes a lot of attention and effort if you want good buds... and doing all that work in secret will be hard.

And that was a typo before right, you are really 18, right???

Remember man... life is long. You can put off growing for 5 years and still at the end of your life say you grew your own for over 50 years... know what I"m saying. This ain't a race.
yeah i turned 18 yesterday. and yeahh your rite man. you know about growing wayy more than i do, im gonna take your word and wait a couple years. and after i thought about it, taking the risk is crazy cause they would probably kill me. thanks for the advice


Well-Known Member
yeah i turned 18 yesterday. and yeahh your rite man. you know about growing wayy more than i do, im gonna take your word and wait a couple years. and after i thought about it, taking the risk is crazy cause they would probably kill me. thanks for the advice
bro... start studying now... or at least stay on the site to catch pointers (if you can take not growing).

I've only finished my first grow a month ago. I read and read for monthes before starting, and I was on this forum like crazy and I still made silly mistakes... and still don't have a lot of the details down.

It's funny becuase mj is a weed... it will grow under almost any conditions, hard to kill. BUT... all us folks aren't trying to grow mj plants... we are trying to grow sweet sticky mj flowers, and to make those buds perfect you have to make your grow perfect.

I just said to someone I think the first aim is to have a problem free grow... hopefully in my first 5 grows I can have one with not 1 problem. Once there you can work on fine tuning things.

The real bitch is that strains like different growing conditions, so if you want to get really really good you should stick to one strain to get it down... but then you'd only be smoking one kind and that's no fun.

Whatever you decide good luck my man.


Well-Known Member
i wish i couldve grown around my parents, if they found my plants they would probly smoke it all themselves lol


my parents would destroy me if I ever got caught growing mj in their house. You should wait till you are older and more established. Maybe when you own a house/apt and when you want to enjoy your life after working hard at work (yep..yep..hehe)


Active Member
I was in sort of the same position as you. After finding this site i needed to grow but i knew my parents wouldnt allow it. I dont know how your parents are, but my parents cared far more about the legality of it than the actual smoking and growing(which neither of them are really against). My point is, since you live in cali, get your card and approach your parents. I got my card and asked my dad if i could grow for personal use since its legal and a cheaper alternative. and now im starting my first grow