Noob question! (hydroponic DWC bubbler!)


Active Member
hey guys, this is the set I orderd:

I'm planning on doing an outdoor hydro grow :eyesmoke:

I have a few questions for you!! help is much appreciated!!

My frist one is about germination.
I have always failed at germinating seeds and I was wondering If I could just stick my seeds into the 2" rockwool cubes and put that inside the netpots? would that grow?

Also, what are some other plants I could grow along with my 2 girls to hide/cover them?
It has 8 spaces available to grow in. I am going to have 1-2 Cleome flowers along with them, but that still leaves me with 4-5 empty spaces. :( So what are some large vegetable/berry type plants that grow rather tall?

(I am kind of looking for something equivilent to a big tomato plant, something which grows multiple fruits/vegetables.)


Active Member

yeah the main reason I created this thread is so I could figure out how to germinate my seed... or not.

What I mean is I really don't want to germinate my seed!! and I have read ALL OVER this forum, and other MJ forums, and google and have found alot of different answers.

My question is, if I just stick my seed into my rockwool cube, and put that into my hydro-kit, will it grow??


Well-Known Member
no. You want to put the seed into a moist napkin in the dark and keep it around 70 degrees. After about 12-36 hours it will sprout. Now put it into you properly pH'd rockwool cube, and keep that in a humid dome until it sprouts those first seedling leaves. Then you can put it into the bubbler.


Active Member
no. You want to put the seed into a moist napkin in the dark and keep it around 70 degrees. After about 12-36 hours it will sprout. Now put it into you properly pH'd rockwool cube, and keep that in a humid dome until it sprouts those first seedling leaves. Then you can put it into the bubbler.

c'mon bro, I'm not that stupid! I know how to germinate, I've been reading/watching video's about growing for atleast 2 years now. I just always end up letting the napkin dry, and unfortunately I don't have a magical whether device or any thermometers at the moment.

I just want to know if germination is really necessary.

I once left 20 seeds in a napkin for over 3 days and not a single one sprouted.. So I am really not looking forward to germinating.


Well-Known Member
nah its ehe best way
wet napkin once a day i spray mine
put under fridge cause its warm there and dark
when tap roots show in phed rcube 5.8
dont have to do it but it saves time cause u can see what happening
and not waste ur time or pull the cube apart 2 see whats happening



Active Member
nah its ehe best way
wet napkin once a day i spray mine
put under fridge cause its warm there and dark
when tap roots show in phed rcube 5.8
you can do it lots of ways that works good 4 me and wilsoncr17
u should say thank you to him

Under the fridge! Brilliant!!! It's warm, and dark. Thanks both of you, excuse my bad manners, I just woke up.

Thank you guys alot, I have faith in germinating again, I forgot about warmth.

Does it matter if it dries out? It's good, as long as I water it once a day, right?

And I have one last question, :-?

Is it really worth it to buy seeds online? I mean all seeds come from a male and female, so they basically get their seeds from "bagseed" too, right? Only difference is you get to know the name of the strain? Correct me if I'm wrong because I know nothing about this...

I'll start a grow journal as soon as I start them, I am 4 hours away from home at the moment. (Any advice as to which plants I should grow along with my girls inside of the other 4-5 bubbler sites would be much appreciated as well!! ANYTHING!)

Thanks guys, Thanks Rollitup! bongsmilie:peace::eyesmoke:


Active Member
Great Idea! Thanks!

So now I'm going to have 2 MJ plants, 1 Cloem Flower, 1 Chilli Pepper, and 1 Beef Steak Tomato plant,

I still have room for 3 more plants, so any suggestions as to which plants grow well with MJ/bear multiple fruit/vegetables/or are roughly the same size would be MUCH appreciated! +Rep!! :D

Does anyone know of any kind of berries? will they get too large?


Well-Known Member
keep the napkin moist
at all times
before work and after work
just a little bit i use a plate so it holds a little water


Well-Known Member
ordering online is good u pick the strain and you can get femized seeds
or strain and hope ur lucky
i use bagseed as it was my first real effort and SEEDS ARE NOT CHEAP

Saul Good

Active Member
Thanks, sure thing.

Does anybody know if is reliable? I'm not sure if they still ship to the U.S. and what-not... Do the seeds usually arrive?
I've had good luck with Dr. Chronic and recently from Attitude in the UK...'good' prices, freebies and a tracking number to follow your order. Got both orders within 10 days.
(Uh...actually that wan't me after all....some transient...and I never saw nothing...)