Noob Question about seeding/planting


New Member
It seems everywhere I go I get differwnt answers. I know this has probably been asked a million times and I apologize. I germinated my seeds and planted them in small pots and put them outside on the back deck where its the suniest. I live in Boston. Was just wondering is it ok to leave them outside? Its just reg seeds i got in a bag so Im just experimenting before I go all in and spend some money. thanks guys!
A seedling does not need light until it pops soils.
when germinating a bean, some germinate till just a taproot is present, then put it in soul.
Personally, i germinate till the whole bitch is out of the pod and theres fully formed but under-developed cotyledon.
I then plant the taproot below soi line, the cotyledons above the soil, and put her under 24/0 lighting.
As soon as there are green bits *the first set of leaves, aka cotyledon* and a stalk, it needs light to absorb and grow.
Until the bean pops however, its put IN soil for a reason: The same environment you are re-creating while germing- Dark, Damp, Cool.
You don't have to, and the sun provides a "heat" factor that aids in germination (just keep the soil moist at all times till it pops up).
Indoors in paper towels, on a seedling heat strip is faster.

Be patient.