Noob organic grower looking for help!


Active Member
Hi everyone! I'd first like to start off by saying that i wish i was knowledgable enough to offer help before asking for it. Once I get my feet a bit wetter, i will be sure to be all over the forums :)

I have 8 plants that started from clone. they took about 3-4 weeks to all have roots showing. I transferred them in to FFOF on April 19th (24 days ago). Upon transferring, I watered them with RO water and CalMag+. I kept them under the same 125w CFL light that i had them under as clones. They stayed under the CFL for about 10 days. I had the light on for 24 hrs. I then put them under 1 600w Mh bulb with an enclosed air cooled hood. I switched the light cycle to 20/4. I also watered with RO and fed CalMag+, Roots Bio and Orca Mycorrhizae. Temps have ranged between 73-80 degrees F. Humidity from 35-50%. I hope i provided enough details. If not, ask, and I will tell!

I am having problems with some of the plants as you will see in the following pics. The 1st pic is Blue Cheese. 2,3 and 4 are Sour Diesel. 5 and 6 are Blue cheese which i posted just to show my healthiest plant. I am also worried at the size of the growth in some of them. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!




I would just flush her out with some plain water no calmag and letting her dry out. stressed plants often just need time to adjust