noob on hash oil


Active Member
yeah hey there all you tokers, i havent posted in awhile but just recently i made me some hash oil from a thread i read here and umm how would you go about consuming it? yeah dumb but really, like do you eat it, put it on your bud? what the hell do you with it?
haha nice to hear, im not much of a smoker, i make a dime last a month, so i was just thinking of trying some new things. Ive never tried the oil, and this will be my first bong hit, i just smoke pipes and joints. So if anyone can leave some comments on their favorite way to smoke (what strain, what you use to smoke it, and maybe some cool shit to try when blazed) it would be cool
Oil is my favorite and i am very fortunite to be around it all the time. Where I'm at grams sell for $50 bucks but it's so worth it. I usually smoke on bowls or on a joint or blunt. The tricky part is handling it. The best thing to do is scrape a little glob (not too much) onto a metal paper clip. DO NOT USE THE KIND WITH A RUBBER COATING. Then use a lighter to heat the clit just above the glob. The conducted heat will mave the oil more liquidy and it will drop onto a bowl or whatever your smoking. Have fun and don't burn yourself. Also, once the oil is in a bowl you cannot touch it. The oile carmilizes the whole bowl into a single weed/oil glob and it will come out in one piece. Oil is stick icky.
Also a nice little thing to do is when u have your oil on a pin run it on a few of your papers CAREFULLY than roll a joint, also it can b dabbed onto the end of a cigarette too!