noob needs help.


Active Member
Due to medical reason i have to start growing and i had a couple of questions that i hope you guys can help me with. Im only planning on growing 6-8 plants at a time, is a 1000w light to much for just 6? i want a 1000w just incase i want to grow more in the future. Also i hear alot about the blue and red lights... are there any lights that have both? what site can i find it? and is foxfarm fertilizers really good? im gonna do hydro. thanks for your help and patience!


Well-Known Member
More light the better but you may need some exhaust. You said 1000w but not hps or mh. I veg with cool blue flo tubes and flower with hps. Some people use mh for veg and hps for flower. Some people also just use one all the way thru so i guess its all up to what you want to do.I got my hps on ebay for a good price.


Well-Known Member
Hey hwn,
The first thing that I can help you with is the going to be one of the best bits of info that A newbi can have. Most of the info that you need is going to be in GROW FAQ.

You should first think about how you want to grow.
Then think about all the different types of growing methods.
You will also need to the size of space that you have to use.
Then you will need to do resurch if what you what to do is feasiable.

The difference in lights are hps (redish spec.)and mh(bluish spec.)
You want to use the hps in the flower stage and use the mh in the vegg stage. This would be best if can do it.

You will need to give more info.


New Member
Good plan Logan. I agree.
Hey hwn,
The first thing that I can help you with is the going to be one of the best bits of info that A newbi can have. Most of the info that you need is going to be in GROW FAQ.

You should first think about how you want to grow.
Then think about all the different types of growing methods.
You will also need to the size of space that you have to use.
Then you will need to do resurch if what you what to do is feasiable.

The difference in lights are hps (redish spec.)and mh(bluish spec.)
You want to use the hps in the flower stage and use the mh in the vegg stage. This would be best if can do it.

You will need to give more info.