noob needing some help please


Active Member
i have 6 blue cheese 11 days old and 2 of them are suffering one has yellow tips on its leaves and the other is like half light green half dark green now just for details they are in coco medium and just been watered with h20 every couple of days the water is ph of 6.4 the temp stays at about 70 the humidity is 30 the light is a 600w hps and theres a fan blowing over the plants and one to cool down the light any help would be grateful.......



Well-Known Member
they need a flush, you fert'd too early.

they have nute burn so you need to flush the nutes out of the soil, run 3x the volume of the container of plain water through them

how close is your 600w to the plants? i hope at least 2 ft away at this stage


Active Member
are u usind any nutes. if so dont. looks like the lights maybe to close. the dirt also looks dry. i hope this helps. peace


Active Member
they need a flush, you fert'd too early.

they have nute burn so you need to flush the nutes out of the soil, run 3x the volume of the container of plain water through them

how close is your 600w to the plants? i hope at least 2 ft away at this stage
i havent used any nutes yet and the light was about a foot and 1/4 away but now its two foot away,any more ideas there is also perlite in the soil


Well-Known Member
If you're watering with tap water, go run some in a glass and smell of it,does it have a faint hint of swimming pool smell??? Let me know........


Active Member
If you're watering with tap water, go run some in a glass and smell of it,does it have a faint hint of swimming pool smell??? Let me know........
it does av a very faint smell of swimming pool should i use bottled water if so which one and how much and when????


Well-Known Member
Go to your local grocery store and find the gallon jugs of drinking water,they will have several different types , read on the lable and find one that says reverse can usually get these for around .80 cents each, flush your plants with at least 1 gallon each. refill the jugs with your tap water and let them sit for 24 hrs with the lids off this will let the chlorine dissipate.when you're pots feel light when you pick them up which should take about three days,you can water them with the refilled jugs they will be safe to use now.water evey three days untill you see two sets of healthy leaves then start adding nutes to your water at 1/4 shoul be good to go after this.....keep me updated on your progress......hope this helps........autotek500..........


Active Member
Go to your local grocery store and find the gallon jugs of drinking water,they will have several different types , read on the lable and find one that says reverse can usually get these for around .80 cents each, flush your plants with at least 1 gallon each. refill the jugs with your tap water and let them sit for 24 hrs with the lids off this will let the chlorine dissipate.when you're pots feel light when you pick them up which should take about three days,you can water them with the refilled jugs they will be safe to use now.water evey three days untill you see two sets of healthy leaves then start adding nutes to your water at 1/4 shoul be good to go after this.....keep me updated on your progress......hope this helps........autotek500..........
your a star cheers dude al keep ya posted:joint:


Active Member
ive just been to asda couldnt find any water that said reverse osmosis on back so just bought there dearest mineral water hope this is right done the flush it went ok ill update with pics in a couple of days hopefully ill have a couple of sets of thick green leaves:grin:


Active Member
definitely a burn. Your lights are kinda far away too so I recommend that you bring the lights closer to keep them from stretching and flush your plants with distilled bottled water. Never use tap. I will say that over and over, even if your area's tap water is good to go. What your plants are experiences is chemical burn usually from nutrients or water. If you're using nutrients for these babies, replace the soil with soil without nutrients. If you're using tap water, flush your system and use bottled water method. Everyplace is different when it comes to water though. Like the bottled water in Walmart near me has bottled water where the PH is too low and I have to use more chemicals to raise the ph to start. The water dispenser near a gas station near me is cheaper by 2 cents a gallon and the ph is better for plants and humans.


Well-Known Member
let a couple gallons of your tap water sit out for 12-24 hours and the chlorine will evaporate. no need to get it from the store. sunlight ive heard helps speed up the process when you let it sit out.