noob need help


Well-Known Member
u are in a light cycle,,,just keep 24 hours until yr satisfied with the size,,then siwtch to 12/12 whenever u want itl start to flower...i suggest 1 1/2 feet- 2 ft then flower look at space see what u can do


Active Member
four bags of scotts topsoil with one bag mircale grow potting soil and one bag mircale grow top soil. my ph right now is at 6.5. i was wanting to use c02 but when do i start to use it. also i have orchid bloom booster water soluble orchid food its 11-35-15. i haven't used it yet but i can get whatever you guys would think would be better. also does the taller the plant mean more yeild. size is not a problem when it comes to the plant growth im looking for the best yeild for my setup.
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Well-Known Member
then buy some decent soil,,with no nutes in it,and repott it,,and buy some decent nutes,,marijuana likes food,,,theres plenty of fertilizers out there desighned for marijuana and they arent too pricey i would buy 1 of those, if u do stick with MG soil,,dont add any nutes until flowering


Active Member
can i reuse the soil that im using next time for the next batch are do i need to change out next time. next time i grow im going to do hydroponics. can i put the clones from this batch into the hydro batch.
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Active Member
can i transplant plants from the soil to a hydroponics system. i started off with soil and know i want to move up a little just wondering if this could be done

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
start your clones in rockwool or jiffy cubes,and yes you can use them in hydro...if you start them in soil,then you are pretty much stuck with soil


Active Member
where do i get the chemicals for the hydro setup like the food for the plants. i already have the ph up and down. also i found a 600watt hps for the budding room.


Well-Known Member
ebay or yr local hydroshop,,i recommend u growing in soil for yr first grow,since hydro is tougher then soil


Active Member
well i have a grow going on right now its ten plants in soil and there coming along nice. i was wanting to take the clones from them and put them in a hydro setup. thanks for all the help are there any chemicals i should look for when starting a hyro setup. like brands


Active Member
i was looking at ebay atadvanced nutrients which ones would i get there a couple. also what kind of pump do you think i need with a 4 feet by 2 feet about 3 to 4 feet deep with 8 plants.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
I personally use Ionic grow,and bloom...both for my soil grow with good results...your question about the pump...gonna need more info....what size room are ya doing,system?


Active Member
the grow room will be about 4 1/2 feet long and 2 1/2 feet long. also i saw florescent lights that said they were made for better plant growth. right now im using daylight florescent. should i get the other ones are just stick with the daylights,
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Active Member
im also looking for a planter try that 4 feet long and about 2 to 3 feet wide. any one know were to get one.
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Well-Known Member
yr lights are good for vegging,but i highly recommend u get an hps for flowering,,,the differance between cfls and hps's in flowering,is the differance between nice thick dank budd,and airy light budds..up to u,,,htg,sells a 400 watt hps for around 100,with bulb and everything,,,get this,,and u will be able to grow really nice plants,,,as far as nutes i use foxfarm,,advanced nutes is good,,,but if yr going to spend a lil extra cash on yr light,,by the GH brand there pretty cheap and there desighned for marijuana
I am also new to growing but i have been told that miracle grow causes problems in smaller grows. Sometimes it will affect the pH of the soil and cause problems with the plants.