noob need help


New Member
Hey i am currently doing my first grow i have 1 400w MH and 1 T5 2foot 2 bulb. right now i have the t5 on 6 1 inch plants. any tips would be great ive noticed that the first leaves of the plant have started to turn yellow i was thinking that maybe this could be a lack of light. im using miracle grow organic and ferting with aurora grow. i know mgo is not the best choice but i have bought some whole mass soil to transplant them into. also how many plants are able to be kept underneath this lamp till harvest and would i be better off buying a second 2 foot 2 tube? also i am watering about ever 2-3 days with distilled water



New Member
another question i had was would the 400w light be a fire hazard in that closet it is made of cloth but i have a cooltube and that fan that is in the front and i was thinking about getting fireproof spray for the walls of the closet


Well-Known Member
Seems to me that your plants are starting to show a little nute burn, mg soil tends to be too hot for mj, also I don't think you shoud be adding nutes for such small plants,because of the hot soil, the first set of leaves (the little round ones) always die after a while, that's normal, pic 5 looks like something has been eating your plant, I could be wrong.


New Member
ok thanks for the advice do you think that light is sufficient or should it be switched out or added? and yea my cat accidentally got to that plant and bit a few leafs off i just havent gotten up the courage to scrap them yet do you believed they are ruined? they have been moved out of his reach. and should i transplant now to whole soil or wait a bit till they are grown more?


Well-Known Member
ahhhh i get tired of typing the same thing over and over to ppl....ok here need a hps for flowering not a mh but you are far from that right do not need any hid for vegging save electricity and stick to the flourescents. you can grow about 3 plants to flower size under one 4 ft flouro and add a few compact flouros in toward the outside boundaries of your tube light, they need to be the daylight bulbs..NEVER use mg or any delay release ferts!! you should have no problems with a seedling ever they just grow themselves, the mg is causing your issue is how you grow good pot, easy, every time - take your party cup fill with dirt wet it make sure you have holes in the bottom then add your germinated bean. this just gets put under light and kept moist for about 5 days to a week..when it is about 4-6 inches tall repot into your final size pot with GOOD dirt never delay release! now make sure to be letting tap water sit out a couple days if you use tap and simply add a fan for some indirect air..should just barely make the plants breeze about, and keep watering properly. when the plant is around 8-10 inches you will see a slight yellowing on a leaf, at the first sign you start feeding with a proper nute line made for the general organics go box if your final soil is organic or the technaflora recipe for success if it is not organic. both these kits are nearly impossible to screw up just follow the directions and feed weekly. keep your temps under 80 always and humidity around 55% can lst as the plant grows to improve yield and you never need to check ph nor will ph ever be a problem when you use good ph balanced soil and ph balanced nutes! thats it, very simple!!! so buy the nutes and go find some real soil to repot those in and you will be fine since you just started, had you continued for 4 weeks doing what your doing id tell you just toss em and start over...oh also the mh may be causing your problem could be heat burn i didnt look at the pics hard though, too far away..shut that thing down and get your flouros about 2-4 inches from the plant tops for some nice tight nodes!

everything i just told you was done on this simple little size grow i ran quick
these are the results you can expect if you follow along after maybe two grows under your belt


Well-Known Member
Pesonally I would transplant in better soil, if you don't it's possible it could get worse, might set it back from transplanting but would be worth it, give that cat a spanking, ha ha.
I grow with T5's with good results, but needless to say your 400MH would be best later on, you should look into HPS for flowering later on, best of luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
when you transplant properly it doesnt slow the plant down for more than a day or so more often not at all..def go with better soil! good luck


Well-Known Member
MG Organic for seeds, I am glad they popped up! MG makes a great seed starting soil for next time... Your Organic MG soil is fine for now... I would not put ANY nutes or ferts until they have grow great roots, and they are 4-6" tall... Don't transplant from cups, until the bottom roots are going round and round the bottom of cup...Mix up some soil, add perilite/vermiculite at about 20% any type or brand soil, I add P/V to, because keeps soil Air-ee, and non compacted... Then un wind roots [do not cut them] and trans plant... once TP has shown top growth, furt them at 1/4 to 1/3rd... then up dose weekly... Good Luck man !


New Member
thank you everyone for the help i just have one more question the light i have now is a 2foot 2 tube is that sufficient light to have the till flower? im only doing about a foot and half then switching light. and if not when should i switch the light out.


Well-Known Member
As I stated, I grow with T5's thoughout the whole grow, from veg to flower, I change the 6500K bulbs to 3000K bulbs for flowering, you should do fine going through veg stage with just your T5, you can then switch lights anytime after you decide the size of plant you want.